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In/visibility of LGBTQ people in the Arab Spring

Kreps, DGP

In/visibility of LGBTQ people in the Arab Spring Thumbnail


DGP Kreps


LGBTQ use of the internet is a growing area of study. However most studies focus mainly on the US and the UK, and none pays much (if any) attention to the experience of LGBTQ people in countries where it is illegal to be LGBTQ. The events of the Arab Spring, significantly, signal the possibility that change may be possible in these countries, yet there seems to be little material on what LGBTQ people in these countries are actually thinking, doing, etc, and in particular what role the internet may be playing in this. This is a research-in- progress paper introducing a project which sets out to make a contribution on these lines, by making their voices heard.


Kreps, D. (2012, June). In/visibility of LGBTQ people in the Arab Spring. Presented at Cultural attitudes towards technology and communication, Aarhus, Denmark

Presentation Conference Type Other
Conference Name Cultural attitudes towards technology and communication
Conference Location Aarhus, Denmark
Start Date Jun 18, 2012
End Date Jun 20, 2012
Publication Date Jun 1, 2012
Deposit Date Jun 25, 2012
Publicly Available Date Apr 5, 2016
Publisher URL
Additional Information Event Type : Conference


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