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Over the waterfall in a barrel: Experiential marketing and the building of brand

Leighton, Debra; Lehman, Kim

Over the waterfall in a barrel: Experiential marketing and the building of brand Thumbnail


Debra Leighton

Kim Lehman


Experiential marketing has evolved in response to a move away from a service economy to an economy that is shaped and defined by consumer experiences. As consumers seek ever more unique and memorable experiences, experiential marketing has become increasingly important in establishing and building brand identity in sectors as diverse as retail, events marketing and more recently the leisure and tourism sector. This paper aims to critically assess the validity of an experiential marketing approach in the formation and communication of brand identity. The analytical basis for the evaluation is a single case study involving the development of MONA, a hedonistic experience brand based in Australia.


Experiential marketing; Brand experience; Brand identity; Hedonism


Leighton, D., & Lehman, K. Over the waterfall in a barrel: Experiential marketing and the building of brand. Presented at The AM Brand, Corporate Identity and Reputation SIG

Presentation Conference Type Other
Conference Name The AM Brand, Corporate Identity and Reputation SIG
End Date Apr 7, 2011
Publication Date Apr 1, 2011
Deposit Date Dec 12, 2011
Publicly Available Date Apr 5, 2016
Publisher URL
Additional Information Event Type : Conference
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