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The emotive city

Rooney, J


J Rooney


How can a city, with its connections, people and architecture be viewed as a living cultural artefact? Every city has at least one ArtSpace; larger urban conurbations have a multitude of spaces devoted to art. The ArtSpace is a venue designed to contain art, in some cases, the artwork can only be considered art whilst inside the ArtSpace.
This research uses the man made boundary of the post code in a City to signify the areas of the ArtSpace. Work will exist outside of the traditional Gallery setting. Research methodology uses codes and signs as a form of information aesthetics plus emotional content.
The ArtSpace in the city serve different functions for different groups of people. Communities engage with the arts in all forms. Modern Art, Dance, Sculpture and the theatre appeal to the visually literate. Families engage in more physical interactive connections in Museums. These spaces are diverse visual centres built to house creative expression for community engagement.
Manchester and Salford are the focus of the ArtSpace area. Both locations are significant centres for cultural activity and contain work that has had a profound cultural impact on my design practice and creative reference points. Interviews with key figures involved in the cultural impact of the places will be recorded, where possible by face-to-face interviews of the individual in question. Datum can also be recorded via existing audio and video archives if the contact is unavailable.
The story of a city is an ongoing timeline of interconnected exchanges, thoughts and ideas. It is in a constant state of flux; new messages are added to its databank via personal and digital correspondence. The stories and ideas used in this project can be taken from any point in the timeline and presented together as information aesthetics. An individual voice from the past can be transposed onto a new idea related to a specific location in the city, thus creating new connective dialogue across the timeline. Every city has its own creative story. The subject matter to be explored will be curated from recordings of past and present narratives. Data will then be transposed using digital technologies with the aim to present a gallery of coded interconnected emotional information that is revealed from the content of a creative space


Rooney, J. (2010, December). The emotive city. Presented at Future Cities, London

Presentation Conference Type Speech
Conference Name Future Cities
Conference Location London
Start Date Dec 15, 2010
End Date Dec 16, 2010
Deposit Date Sep 29, 2011
Publicly Available Date Sep 29, 2011
Publisher URL
Additional Information Corporate Creators : RANTRAD, London
Event Type : Conference


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