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CFAA 2009 Tameside 3rd quarterly report 0910


Ahead of installing a much need new under floor heating system CfAA were commissioned to undertake an evaluation of the interior of St Lawrence’s church by
the church authorities. Four test pits were excavated, one at the northern end of the modern chancel steps
(TP1), one in at the southern end of the chancel steps (TP2), one at the northern end of the western entrance (TP3) and the final one being at the centre of the nave (TP4).
These test pits were designed to reveal any under floor archaeology to a depth of 60 cm that would impinge on the plans for the heating system.


CFAA 2009 Tameside 3rd quarterly report 0910

Other Type Teaching Resource
Deposit Date Aug 17, 2011
Publicly Available Date Aug 17, 2011
Additional Information Data type : Technical Reports
Location of work : Tameside
Type of work : Landscape Research
Period : Post-Medieval


CfAA_2009_No_5_Tameside_3rd_Quarterly_report_0910.pdf (2.6 Mb)

Tameside 3rd quarterly report 2009-10

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