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The teaching of Arabic in the Faculty of Islamic Studies in the National University of Malaysia

Ismail, ARBH


ARBH Ismail


H Mustapha


This study is concerned with the teaching and learning of Arabic as a
second or a foreign language in Malaysia in general and in the
Faculty of Islamic Studies of the National University of Malaysia in
particular. Its main purpose is to evaluate the existing Arabic
program in the Faculty, and to provide some suggestions for its
This thesis is divided into seven chapters. Chapter one provides some
background to the teaching and learning of Arabic in Malaysia. The
historical development of religious teaching and learning
institutions in Malaysia, and the teaching and learning of Arabic in
the existing Arabic and religious institutions in Malaysia are
discussed. In addition, this first chapter also discusses the role
and the status of Arabic in Malaysia in order to lay the ground for
understanding the actual needs for Arabic in Malaysia.
Chapters two and three are concerned with the review of the
literature in second and foreign language program design. They
discuss the factors involved in SL teaching and learning, the general
framework to be used in designing SL program, methods and approaches
for specifying goals and objectives for such program, and the
syllabuses and teaching methodologies for SL teaching and learning.
At the end of chapter three, general criteria for the design and
evaluation of Arabic programs are described.
Chapter four is concerned with the teaching and learning of Arabic to
noi cttive speakers. It focuses on the historical development in
TASL, issues and problems in TASL, and the teaching and learning of
Arabic in the Faculty of Islamic Studies. In addition, this chapter
defines the research problem, scope of the study, hypo thesis, and
the research methods followed.
Chapters five, six and seven are concerned with the description,
analysis and discussions of the results. The results reveal that the existing Arabic program in the Faculty of Islamic Studies is not
compatible with the needs for Arabic in Malaysia and in the Faculty
itself. It is found that the major components of the existing
program, namely objectives, syllabus content and teaching
methodologies, are not compatible with the present stated goal of the
program. The prescription and the design of the program components do
not seem to comply with general principles for SL program design. In
the light of these conditions, suggestions are provided for the
improvement of the Arabic program in the Faculty. These suggestions
include some important areas for further research.


Ismail, A. The teaching of Arabic in the Faculty of Islamic Studies in the National University of Malaysia. (Thesis). University of Salford

Thesis Type Thesis
Deposit Date Aug 17, 2011
Publicly Available Date Aug 17, 2011
Award Date Jan 1, 1993


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