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A multiple perspective approach to information system quality

Vidgen, R


R Vidgen


T Wood-Harper


The motivation for this research is a concern with the high rate of information
system failures reported in the academic literature and in practitioner publications. It
is proposed that the adoption of the customer-centred ideals and methods of quality
management in information system development will increase the likelihood of the
delivery of successful information systems. The approach taken in the research is to
work with the ideas of multiple perspectives - organizational effectiveness, work-life
quality, and technical artefact quality - and multiple stakeholders.
The research approach is to use action research. The fieldwork comprises
three phases. The first phase involved interviewing system developers and the
second phase consisted of two case studies of implemented information systems.
This preliminary analysis, together with a theoretical investigation of the foundations
of quality, was used to inform the development of a quality approach to information
system development. The information system development methodology (ISDM) is
based upon Multiview, a multiple perspective approach to information system
development, and the total quality management method used is quality function
deployment. The resultant hybrid methodology is known as ISDM/Q.
The ISDM/Q is tested using action research on a live system development
project concerned with the development of a wind tunnel control and data collection
system. Extensive organizational analysis was conducted to place this software
development within a wider organizational context, involving quality requirements
workshops and quality planning. The outcomes of the research are assessed in terms
of the learning recorded with respect to the framework of ideas, the methodology
(ISDM/Q) and the domain in which the action research took place. The field work
showed that there were benefits to using a quality metaphor in information system
development but that this would require a significant change in the culture and style
of information system development organizations. A practical contribution of the
research is the development of quality function deployment for information system


Vidgen, R. A multiple perspective approach to information system quality. (Thesis). University of Salford

Thesis Type Thesis
Deposit Date Sep 16, 2011
Publicly Available Date Sep 16, 2011
Award Date Jan 1, 1996


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