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Relationship marketing in the not-for-profit sector : the key to a strategic marketing focus? : the case of the subsidised arts

Conway, A


A Conway


J Whitelock


There is evidence to suggest that not-for-profit organisations generally, and subsidised arts
organisations particularly, tend to use marketing for short-term, tactical purposes. This
research study considers whether successful subsidised arts organisations are more likely
to apply a relationship rather than transactional marketing approach to overcome this
short-term focus. Relationship marketing involves the development of continuous
relationships between parties that are usually long-term and dynamic. Managers make
decisions about the sort of the relationships they would like to have and how to achieve
them and in this context, they have to think strategically.
Research was undertaken to identify whether 'successful' subsidised performing arts
organisations were indeed more strategic in their focus, whether they had applied a
relationship marketing approach and whether such an approach had been influential in the
developmento f their 'success'.P reliminary researchw ith senior managersfr om subsidised
theatres in the North West of England, found that there was general agreement on what
could be considered to be a 'successful' and an 'unsuccessful' theatre. Respondents from
tsuccessful' theatres highlighted the importance of collaboration with a variety of
stakeholdersw hereasc ollaborationw ith audiences egmentso nly, was found to be the case
for unsuccessfutlh eatres.
As a result of these findings, a conceptual framework was developed which identified the
major partnerships and the specific stakeholder types that need to be considered by a
subsidised performing arts organisation if an effective relationship marketing approach is
to be developed.T he conceptualf ramework was used as the basisf or subsequenrt esearch
involving a multiple case study approach studying two 'successful' theatres and one
cunsuccessful' theatre in depth. The strengths of relationship between the various key
stakeholder roles and artistic directors within the three theatres were analysed and findings
suggest that a link does exist between the building of relationships with a variety of
stakeholders, a strategic focus and theatre success.


Conway, A. Relationship marketing in the not-for-profit sector : the key to a strategic marketing focus? : the case of the subsidised arts. (Thesis). University of Salford

Thesis Type Thesis
Deposit Date Sep 22, 2011
Publicly Available Date Sep 22, 2011
Award Date Jan 1, 2003


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