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Going places

Acker, F; Ashby, T; Brown, G; England, S; Flynn, L; Freeman, P; Gill, J; Harper, J; Holmes, R; McVey, D; Nixon, D; Pitt, W; Quilford, S; Ross-Macdonald, M; Russell-Jones, N; Scrivens, G; Starkey, P; Taylor, H; Turner, S; Wastling, C; Westley, E; Woolf-Hoyle, V


F Acker

T Ashby

G Brown

S England

L Flynn

P Freeman

J Gill

J Harper

R Holmes

D McVey

D Nixon

W Pitt

S Quilford

M Ross-Macdonald

N Russell-Jones

G Scrivens

P Starkey

H Taylor

S Turner

C Wastling

E Westley

V Woolf-Hoyle


G James


Journeys. We all make them. Often they take us to exotic places. Sometimes they take us even further. They might take us through time. Or they might take us into a new way of life. There are times too, when we go all over the world and back again only to find that home is, after all, where it’s all happening.
This book contains stories about many different types of journey. We hope you will enjoy travelling into it and finding a world that suits you.

Book Type Authored Book
Publication Date Oct 15, 2010
Deposit Date Dec 9, 2010
Publicly Available Date Dec 9, 2010
ISBN 9781907335068
Publisher URL


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