Prof Marie Griffiths
Prof Marie Griffiths
HJ Richardson
Shirley Booth
Sara Goodman
Gill Kirkup
The trend of women being severely under-represented in the UK ICT sector persists. Girls continue, year in year out, to excel in academia whilst initiatives are put in place to challenge the gender employment gap in IT professions. As part of a larger research study of women in the ICT labour market, over 500 women were asked about their initial routes into ICT; this included educational backgrounds, influential factors and perceptions of that transition. In analysing the findings we attempt to explain an overt tendency of women in our sample group, to stem from single-sex schools with a predilection in mathematics and the sciences then moving into male dominated educational and work environments. Our findings report on personal experiences of women’s unsuspecting trajectory into the UK ICT sector.
Griffiths, M., & Richardson, H. (2010). Against all odds, from all-girls schools to all-boys workplaces : women's unsuspecting trajectory into the UK ICT sector. In S. Booth, S. Goodman, & G. Kirkup (Eds.), Gender Issues in Learning and Working with Information Technology (99-112). IGI Global.
Publication Date | Jan 1, 2010 |
Deposit Date | Dec 2, 2010 |
Publisher | IGI Global |
Pages | 99-112 |
Book Title | Gender Issues in Learning and Working with Information Technology |
ISBN | 9781615208135 |
DOI | |
Keywords | gender, ICT workplace, woman, uk ICT sector, all girls schools, women in IT |
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Additional Information | References : Adya, M. and Kaiser. K. (2005), ‘Early determinants of women in the IT workforce: a model of girls’ career choices’, Information Technology and People. 18(3): 230-259. Blomqvist, M (2007) Working conditions in the ICT sector mediated by newspapers Gender, Work and Organisation 5th biennial international interdisciplinary conference 27-29th June 2007 Keele University, UK Brandell, G and Staberg, E (2008) ‘Mathematics: a female, male or gender-neutral domain? A study of attitudes among students at secondary level’ Gender and Education Volume 20 Issue 5 pp 495-509 Curtis P. (2009) Girls do better without boys, study finds, The Guardian Wednesday 18th March 2009 accessed 18/02/09 Clegg, S (2001) Theorising the machine: gender, education and computing Gender and Education Volume 13, no 3 pp307-324 DfES (2007) ‘Gender and Education: the evidence on pupils in England’ Department of Education and Skills Dunn, S. and Ridgeway, J. (1991) ‘Naked into the World: IT experiences on a final primary school teaching practice—a second survey’ Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 7(4):229-240 EOC (2004) Occupational Segregation, gender gaps and skills gaps, Occupational Segregation Working Paper Series No.15. e-Skills(2008) Technology Counts IT and Telecoms Insights 2008, accessed electronically 10/02/09 Evans, T. (1994). Understanding learners in open and distance education. London, Kogan Page. Faulkner, W. (2005) Becoming and Belonging: Gendered processes in engineering, in Archibald, J., Emms, J., Grundy, F., Payne, J., and Turner, E. (Eds.) Women into Computing (WIC) Conference Proceedings: The Gender Politics of ICT, Middlesex University Press, pp.15-25. Green, E. and Adam A. (1998) On-line leisure. Gender and ICT's in the Home. Information, Communication and Society 1:3 pp291-312 Griffiths,M. Moore, K., Burns. B. and Richardson, H. (2007) The Disappearing Women: North West ICT Project Final Report University of Salford ISBN 9781975732180 Habib, L. and Cornford, T. (2001). ‘Domestication and Gender:Computers in the Home’ . Global Co-operation in the New Millenium. ECIS 2001 9th European Conference on Information Systems, Bled, Slovenia. Hoyles, C. (1985)The learning machine: The gender gap. BBC1 on 9 May 1985. Kirkup, G. and J. Abbott (1997). The gender gap. A gender analysis of the 1996 computing access survey. Milton Keynes, PLUM Paper number 80. (Programme on Learner Use of Media, Open University). Mendick, H (2005) A beautiful myth? The gendering of being/doing ‘good at maths’ Gender and Education Volume 17 Issue 2 pp203-219 Mumtaz, S. (2001) ‘Children's enjoyment and perception of computer use in the home and the school’ Computers & Education, 36(4): 347-362 Newmarch, E., Taylor-Steele, S and Cumpston, A (2000) ‘Women in IT – what are the barriers’ Department of Education, Training and Youth Affairs, New South Wales Na, M. (2001). The Home Computer in Korea: Gender, Technology, and the Family. Feminist Media Studies Vol. 1 (3). Platman, K. and Taylor, P. (2004) Workforce Ageing in the New Economy: A Comparative Study of Information Technology Employment, Cambridge: University of Cambridge, available electronically at Richardson, H and French, S (2002) ‘Exercising different choices – the gender divide and government policy making in the ‘global knowledge economy’ 6th International ETHICOMP conference. Lisbon November 2002 Sanders, J (2005) ‘Gender and technology in education: a research review’ (accessed 10/03/09) Selby, L., Young, A., Fisher, D. (1997). Increasing the participation of women in tertiary level computing courses: what works and why. ASCILITE'97. Siann, G., Durndell, A., Macleod, H and Glissov, P. (1988) Stereotyping in relation to the gender gap in computing Education Research 30: 8-103 Siann, G. (1997). We Can, We Don't Want to: Factors Influencing Women's Participation in Computing. In R. Lander and A. Adam. (Eds) Women in Computing , Intellect. Exeter Speilhofer, T., O’Donnell, L., Benton, T., Schagen, S and Shagen, I (2002) ‚The impact of school size and single-sex education on performance’ Local Government Association. National Foundation for Educational Research (NfER) Sullivan, A (2008) Academic self-concept, gender and single-sex schooling, British Educational Research Journal, (forthcoming) Routledge Webster, J. (2005a) Why Are Women Still So Few in ICT? Understanding the persistent under-representation of women in IT professions, in Archibald, J., Emms, J., Grundy, F., Payne, J., and Turner, E. (Eds.) Women into Computing (WIC) Conference Proceedings: The Gender Politics of ICT, Middlesex University Press, pp.3-14 WWW-ICT (2004) Widening Women’s Participation in ICT: Synthesis Report of the European Project, Brussels: European Commission. |
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