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Antisocial behaviour orders: Unanticipated directions in social network site development

Griffiths, M; Light, BA; Mcgarrie, RE

Antisocial behaviour orders: Unanticipated directions in social network site development Thumbnail


BA Light

RE Mcgarrie


Social network technologies, as we know them today have become a popular feature of everyday life
for many people. As their name suggests, their underlying premise is to enable people to connect with
each other for a variety of purposes. These purposes however, are generally thought of in a positive
fashion. Based on a multi-method study of two online environments, Habbo Hotel and Second Life,
which incorporate social networking functionality, we shed light on forms of what can be
conceptualized as antisocial behaviours and the rationales for these. Such behaviours included:
scamming, racist/homophobic attacks, sim attacks, avatar attacks, non-conformance to contextual
norms, counterfeiting and unneighbourly behaviour. The rationales for sub behaviours included: profit,
fun, status building, network disruption, accidental acts and prejudice. Through our analysis, we are
able to comment upon the difficulties of defining antisocial behaviour in such environments,
particularly when such environments, are subject to interpretation via their use and expected norms.
We also point to the problems we face in conducting our public and private lives given the role ICTs
are playing in the convergence of these two spaces and also the convergence of ICTs themselves.


Griffiths, M., Light, B., & Mcgarrie, R. (2008, June). Antisocial behaviour orders: Unanticipated directions in social network site development. Presented at 16th European Conference in Information Systems,, University of Galway, Ireland,

Presentation Conference Type Other
Conference Name 16th European Conference in Information Systems,
Conference Location University of Galway, Ireland,
Start Date Jun 9, 2008
End Date Jun 11, 2008
Deposit Date Dec 2, 2010
Publicly Available Date Apr 5, 2016
Keywords Social Network, Antisocial Behaviour, Online Networks, Online Communities, young people
Additional Information Event Type : Conference
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