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Genetic dissimilarity
predicts paternity in
the smooth newt
(Lissotriton vulgaris)

Jehle, R; Sztatecsny, M; Wolf, JBW; Whitlock, A; Hodl, W; Burke, T


M Sztatecsny

JBW Wolf

A Whitlock

W Hodl

T Burke


Under sperm competition, paternity is
apportioned by polyandrous females according
to the order of matings and the genetic quality
of the inseminating males. In order to distinguish
between these two effects, we sequentially
paired 12 female smooth newts
(Lissotriton vulgaris) with each of two males
and, where possible, repeated the same
procedure in reverse order of the identical
males after assumed sperm depletion. For a
total of 578 offspring, amplified fragment length
polymorphisms genetic markers revealed
multiple paternities in all matings, without significant
first- or second-male sperm precedence.
The paternity share of individual males
was transitive across the two trials with male
order switch, and successful males had a significantly
higher genetic dissimilarity to the
female than expected by chance. We argue that
patterns of paternity in natural newt populations
are determined through a combination of good
genes and relatedness.


(Lissotriton vulgaris). Biology Letters, 3, 526-528.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date Jan 1, 2007
Deposit Date Oct 30, 2009
Journal Biology Letters
Publisher The Royal Society
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 3
Pages 526-528
Keywords amplified fragment length polymorphisms;
genetic compatibility; paternity; sperm competition;
Lissotriton vulgaris
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