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Conflict and identity shape shifting in an online financial community

Campbell, J; Fletcher, G; Greenhill, A


J Campbell

A Greenhill


This paper challenges traditional explorations of online communities that have relied upon assumptions of trust and social cohesion. In the analysis presented here, conflict becomes more than just dysfunctional communication and
provides an alternative set of unifying principles and rationales for understanding social interaction and identity shape shifting within an online community. A model
is advanced that describes the systematic techniques of hostility and aggression in technologically enabled communities that take the form of contemporary tribalism.
It is argued that this tribe-like conflict embodies important rituals essential for maintaining and defining the contradictory social roles sometimes found in online
environments. This research offers a critical interpretive perspective that focuses on the link between identity shape shifting behaviours and the power relations within an online financial community. The analysis reveals how conflict between positions of power can help to align the values and ideals of an online community. With this study we seek to motivate a re-examination of the design and governance of online communities.


Campbell, J., Fletcher, G., & Greenhill, A. Conflict and identity shape shifting in an online financial community. Information Systems Journal, 19, 461-478.

Journal Article Type Article
Deposit Date Oct 15, 2009
Journal Information Systems Journal
Print ISSN 1350-1917
Publisher Wiley
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 19
Pages 461-478
Keywords online communities, character theory, conflict, identity shape shifting, finance
Publisher URL
Additional Information Additional Information : John Campbell: Anita Greenhill:
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