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Defects liability management by design

Davey, CL; McDonald, J; Lowe, D; Duff, R; Powell, JA; Powell, JE


J McDonald

D Lowe

R Duff

JA Powell

JE Powell


An action learning project was undertaken to empower small- and medium-sized construction companies to define the agenda for performance improvement and to take a leading role in the process of industry change. Whilst achievement of zero defects was an ultimate aim, smaller construction firms identified the shorter-term need to deal effectively with defects during the post-construction phase. Project activities explored problems and identified ways of improving the management of the defects liability period. Proposed solutions ranged from simple modifications to management procedures, through innovative methods of working with tenants to more fundamental changes in design and construction processes. Construction firms and housing associations recognized the importance of working together to improve procedures. Small- and medium-sized construction firms can address performance issues in practical ways and have a potentially valuable role to play in promoting industry improvement. Action learning can support the process of change being instigated by Egan in 1998 and solutions generated by action learning have the potential for wider dissemination and use.


Davey, C., McDonald, J., Lowe, D., Duff, R., Powell, J., & Powell, J. (2006). Defects liability management by design. Building Research and Information, 34(2), 145-153.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date Mar 1, 2006
Deposit Date Nov 12, 2007
Journal Building Research and Information
Print ISSN 0961-3218
Publisher Routledge
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 34
Issue 2
Pages 145-153
Keywords Architectural design & structure, building, design, environment & the city, environmental geography, planning & property, property & real estate planning, structural engineering, urban design, urban economics, urban policy, urban studies, action learning, defects, learning network, partnership, performance improvement, quality, small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
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