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Breaking down barriers: Understanding positive deviance in the context of undergraduate radiography research culture

Mcknight, Louise; Higgins, Robert; Michael, James; Potter, Lianne; Lima, Jeremy; Dyson, Judith


Louise Mcknight

James Michael

Lianne Potter

Jeremy Lima

Judith Dyson


Background: Positive deviance describes the behaviour of successful people in clinical situations (Baxter et al. 2016; Lawton et al. 2014).
Diagnostic Radiography students in two higher education settings were asked what skills or attributes they felt were important in becoming a successful researcher in radiography.

Method: This qualitative study used a creative interviewing method to explore six students' perceptions of success in relation to research. They were asked about their understanding of the importance of research for radiography and to describe and draw what they felt were the ideal skills and attributes held by successful research radiographers and students, meaning those who they thought were overcoming barriers placed in their way, and how they felt they matched these ideals themselves.

Results: Data were analysed and presented using Co-Constructed Depiction method (McKnight 2022). Students mentioned skills such as organisation and keeping informed, and attributes such as a willingness to learn, being inquisitive, confident, and having a collaborative approach to research. Overall, they identified positive deviants in radiography research as being critical practitioners who are keen to implement knowledge into care.

Conclusion: What students believed would enable high achievement in their studies and as practitioners is informed by their beliefs in what an
'ideal research radiographer' might look like. By asking about how barriers are surmounted, rather than the nature of those barriers, it seems that some barriers are internal. With this knowledge, educators can encourage self belief and help students build their own skills and attributes to model positive deviants themselves.


Mcknight, L., Higgins, R., Michael, J., Potter, L., Lima, J., & Dyson, J. (2023, June). Breaking down barriers: Understanding positive deviance in the context of undergraduate radiography research culture. Poster presented at UK Imaging & Oncology Congress 2023, Liverpool

Presentation Conference Type Poster
Conference Name UK Imaging & Oncology Congress 2023
Conference Location Liverpool
Start Date Jun 5, 2023
End Date Jun 7, 2023
Deposit Date Jun 8, 2023
Publisher URL