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Barriers to research progress for perioperative care practitioners working in cardiothoracic surgery.

Britton, Carolina Relvas; Rathinam, Sridhar; Birchall, Martin; Iles-Smith, Heather; Krishnamoorthy, Bhuvaneswari


Carolina Relvas Britton

Sridhar Rathinam

Martin Birchall


Policy and research literature worldwide support the need to build research capacity and capability among non-medical practitioners within healthcare systems. However, there exists a paucity of evidence on whether practitioners in cardiothoracic surgery are attuned to this and on what barriers or enablers exist. A survey was carried out with non-medical practitioners working in cardiothoracic surgery in the United Kingdom to explore attitudes towards health research and audit, and to identify current challenges and barriers to surgical research and audit as perceived by cardiothoracic nurses and allied health professionals. A total of 160 completed questionnaires were returned. 99% of respondents supported the need for research and believed that evidence-based surgical care improves outcomes for patients. Seventy-two percent reported that their employer motivates them to take part in national research or audit but, only 22% were allocated time to do so within their role; 96% reported their interest in being involved in research and audit, yet only 30% believed they had the skills to undertake research, and 96% reported needing additional training. More work is needed to increase awareness, capacity and capability among cardiothoracic surgery care practitioners, and indeed other specialities to achieve research progress.


Britton, C. R., Rathinam, S., Birchall, M., Iles-Smith, H., & Krishnamoorthy, B. (in press). Barriers to research progress for perioperative care practitioners working in cardiothoracic surgery. Journal of Perioperative Practice, 17504589231176388.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date May 11, 2023
Online Publication Date Jun 29, 2023
Deposit Date Jul 12, 2023
Publicly Available Date Aug 2, 2023
Journal Journal of perioperative practice
Print ISSN 1750-4589
Electronic ISSN 2515-7949
Publisher SAGE Publications
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Pages 17504589231176388
Keywords Operating Department Practitioners, Research-mixed methods, Health education, Clinical audit, Nurses, Evidence-based practice