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Attacking Agility Actions: Match Play Contextual Applications With Coaching and Technique Guidelines

Dos'Santos, Thomas; McBurnie, Alistair; Thomas, Christopher; Jones, Paul A.; Harper, Damian

Attacking Agility Actions: Match Play Contextual Applications With Coaching and Technique Guidelines Thumbnail


Thomas Dos'Santos

Alistair McBurnie

Christopher Thomas

Damian Harper


Attacking agility actions, such as side steps, shuffle steps, crossover cutting, split steps, spins, decelerations, and sharp turns, are important maneuvers in invasion team sports, often linked with decisive match winning moments. Generally, the aims of these actions are to (a) evade and create separation from an opponent, (b) generate high exit velocities and momentums, or (c) facilitate a sharp redirection. However, these actions are also inciting movements associated with lower-limb injury. Given the importance of agility actions for sports performance and potential injury risk, in this review, we discuss the importance and contextual applications of attacking agility actions, while providing coaching and technique guidelines to best optimize the performance-injury risk conflict.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Dec 10, 2021
Publication Date 2022-10
Deposit Date Sep 28, 2023
Publicly Available Date Nov 1, 2023
Journal Strength and Conditioning Journal
Print ISSN 1524-1602
Electronic ISSN 1533-4295
Publisher Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 44
Issue 5
Pages 102-118


Accepted Version (385 Kb)

Copyright Statement
This is a pre-copyedited, author-produced version of an article accepted for publication in
Strength and Conditioning Journal. The published version of record Dos'Santos, Thomas PhD, CSCS*D1; McBurnie, Alistair BSc (Hons)2; Thomas, Christopher PhD, CSCS3; Jones, Paul A. PhD, CSCS*D3; Harper, Damian PhD4. Attacking Agility Actions: Match Play Contextual Applications With Coaching and Technique Guidelines. Strength and Conditioning Journal 44(5):p 102-118, October 2022. is available online at:

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