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PrEGAN: Privacy Enhanced Clinical EMR Generation: Leveraging GAN Model for Customer De-Identification

Ahmed, Syed Thouheed; Sivakami, R; V, Vinoth Kumar; R, Mahesh T; Khan, Surbhi Bhatia; Mashat, Arwa; Almusharraf, Ahlam

PrEGAN: Privacy Enhanced Clinical EMR Generation: Leveraging GAN Model for Customer De-Identification Thumbnail


Syed Thouheed Ahmed

R Sivakami

Vinoth Kumar V

Mahesh T R

Arwa Mashat

Ahlam Almusharraf


Privacy in medical records while data sharing is a major concern for distributed learning models. The dataset generated and shared via Electronic Medical Records (EMR) consist of sensitive medical information such as patient identify and experts recommendations, and causes setbacks in training larger models, dataset augmentation and polluting datasets with recursive attributes. The information processing and de-identification is proposed in this article to preserve and enhance the privacy of EMR. The proposed technique is termed as PrEGAN (i.e.) Privacy Enhanced Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) for EMR data training and realistic mapping. The proposed model generates and discriminates the ground truth with generated mask via a computation of loss function for de-identification or removal of personal linked/connected data in the records networks. The objective is to generate the mask of EMR, which is realistic and similar to the ground truth. The model is trained and validated with two distinguished discriminators, the CNN based discriminator is used for medical images, whereas Neural Networks are used for textural data generator. The experimental results demonstrate a higher degree of data privacy and de-identification in EMR with 88.32% accuracy in predicting and eliminating via RoI and loss function.


Ahmed, S. T., Sivakami, R., V, V. K., R, M. T., Khan, S. B., Mashat, A., & Almusharraf, A. (2024). PrEGAN: Privacy Enhanced Clinical EMR Generation: Leveraging GAN Model for Customer De-Identification. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 1-1.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Apr 4, 2024
Publication Date Apr 26, 2024
Deposit Date May 28, 2024
Publicly Available Date May 28, 2024
Journal IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics
Print ISSN 0098-3063
Publisher Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Pages 1-1


Accepted Version (973 Kb)

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