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Biography Surbhi B. Khan is working in the School of Science, Engineering and Environment, Data Science Department at the University of Salford, United Kingdom. She is Project Management Professional Certified from PMP, USA. She is ranked among the top 2% of scientists globally for the second year in a row (2023 and 2024), as acknowledged by Stanford University and Elsevier. She is supervising/co-supervising a number of PhDs and research associates. She has published over 200 articles and books in high indexed outlets with her students and colleagues. She has been awarded with best paper awards, and several other recognitions. She is also serving as Associate and Guest editor in reputed journals.

She has been serving as session chairs in many IEEE conferences, been invited as a resource person at International Conferences and FDP's and has enjoys honorary positions by advising universities to achieve research and teaching excellence. She is also a member in the Women in Data Science Ambassador 2024. Her research interests are Machine Learning/Deep learning, Data Science in Healthcare, Text Detection and Analysis.
Research Interests Machine learning/Deep learning, Sentiment Analysis, Data Science in Healthcare
Teaching and Learning Machine learning and data mining
Advanced Databases
Scopus Author ID 56655934600
PhD Supervision Availability Yes
PhD Topics Innovative Framework for Remote Detection and Forecasting of Early-Stage Heart Conditions and Cardiac Events
English large language Model Hallucination Detection
Mental Health Detection and Classification based on Multimodalities