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Cosmic kidney disease: an integrated pan-omic, physiological and morphological study into spaceflight-induced renal dysfunction

Siew, Keith; Nestler, Kevin A.; Nelson, Charlotte; D’Ambrosio, Viola; Zhong, Chutong; Li, Zhongwang; Grillo, Alessandra; Wan, Elizabeth R.; Patel, Vaksha; Overbey, Eliah; Kim, JangKeun; Yun, Sanghee; Vaughan, Michael B.; Cheshire, Chris; Cubitt, Laura; Broni-Tabi, Jessica; Al-Jaber, Maneera Yousef; Boyko, Valery; Meydan, Cem; Barker, Peter; Arif, Shehbeel; Afsari, Fatemeh; Allen, Noah; Al-Maadheed, Mohammed; Altinok, Selin; Bah, Nourdine; Border, Samuel; Brown, Amanda L.; Burling, Keith; Cheng-Campbell, Margareth; Colón, Lorianna M.; Degoricija, Lovorka; Figg, Nichola; Finch, Rebecca; Foox, Jonathan; Faridi, Pouya; French, Alison; Gebre, Samrawit; Gordon, Peter; Houerbi, Nadia; Valipour Kahrood, Hossein; Kiffer, Frederico C.; Klosinska, Aleksandra S.; Kubik, Angela; Lee, Han-Chung; Li, Yinghui; Lucarelli, Nicholas; Marullo, Anthony L.; Matei, Irina; McCann, Colleen M.; Mimar, Sayat; Naglah, Ahmed; Nicod, Jérôme; O’Shaughnessy, Kevin M.; Oliveira, Lorraine Christine De; Oswalt, Leah; Pa...

Cosmic kidney disease: an integrated pan-omic, physiological and morphological study into spaceflight-induced renal dysfunction Thumbnail


Keith Siew

Kevin A. Nestler

Charlotte Nelson

Viola D’Ambrosio

Chutong Zhong

Zhongwang Li

Alessandra Grillo

Elizabeth R. Wan

Vaksha Patel

Eliah Overbey

JangKeun Kim

Sanghee Yun

Michael B. Vaughan

Chris Cheshire

Laura Cubitt

Jessica Broni-Tabi

Maneera Yousef Al-Jaber

Valery Boyko

Cem Meydan

Peter Barker

Shehbeel Arif

Fatemeh Afsari

Noah Allen

Mohammed Al-Maadheed

Selin Altinok

Nourdine Bah

Samuel Border

Amanda L. Brown

Keith Burling

Margareth Cheng-Campbell

Lorianna M. Colón

Lovorka Degoricija

Nichola Figg

Rebecca Finch

Jonathan Foox

Pouya Faridi

Alison French

Samrawit Gebre

Peter Gordon

Nadia Houerbi

Hossein Valipour Kahrood

Frederico C. Kiffer

Aleksandra S. Klosinska

Angela Kubik

Han-Chung Lee

Yinghui Li

Nicholas Lucarelli

Anthony L. Marullo

Irina Matei

Colleen M. McCann

Sayat Mimar

Ahmed Naglah

Jérôme Nicod

Kevin M. O’Shaughnessy

Lorraine Christine De Oliveira

Leah Oswalt

Laura Ioana Patras

San-huei Lai Polo

María Rodríguez-Lopez

Candice Roufosse

Omid Sadeghi-Alavijeh

Rebekah Sanchez-Hodge

Anindya S. Paul

Ralf Bernd Schittenhelm

Annalise Schweickart

Ryan T. Scott

Terry Chin Choy Lim Kam Sian

Hubert Slawinski

Daniel Snell

Julio Sosa

Amanda M. Saravia-Butler

Marshall Tabetah

Erwin Tanuwidjaya

Simon Walker-Samuel

Xiaoping Yang


Haijian Zhang

Jasminka Godovac-Zimmermann

Pinaki Sarder

Lauren M. Sanders

Sylvain V. Costes

Robert A. A. Campbell

Fathi Karouia

Vidya Mohamed-Alis

Samuel Rodriques

Steven Lynham

Joel Ricky Steele

Sergio Baranzini

Hossein Fazelinia

Zhongquan Dai

Akira Uruno

Dai Shiba

Masayuki Yamamoto

Eduardo A.C.Almeida

Elizabeth Blaber

Jonathan C. Schisler

Amelia J. Eisch

Masafumi Muratani

Sara R. Zwart

Scott M. Smith

Jonathan M. Galazka

Christopher E. Mason

Afshin Beheshti

Stephen B. Walsh


Missions into Deep Space are planned this decade. Yet the health consequences of exposure to microgravity and galactic cosmic radiation (GCR) over years-long missions on indispensable visceral organs such as the kidney are largely unexplored. We performed biomolecular (epigenomic, transcriptomic, proteomic, epiproteomic, metabolomic, metagenomic), clinical chemistry (electrolytes, endocrinology, biochemistry) and morphometry (histology, 3D imaging, miRNA-ISH, tissue weights) analyses using samples and datasets available from 11 spaceflight-exposed mouse and 5 human, 1 simulated microgravity rat and 4 simulated GCR-exposed mouse missions. We found that spaceflight induces: 1) renal transporter dephosphorylation which may indicate astronauts' increased risk of nephrolithiasis is in part a primary renal phenomenon rather than solely a secondary consequence of bone loss; 2) remodelling of the nephron that results in expansion of distal convoluted tubule size but loss of overall tubule density; 3) renal damage and dysfunction when exposed to a Mars roundtrip dose-equivalent of simulated GCR.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date May 28, 2024
Online Publication Date Jun 11, 2024
Deposit Date Oct 25, 2024
Publicly Available Date Oct 28, 2024
Journal Nature Communications
Print ISSN 2041-1723
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 15
Issue 1
Article Number 4923
Additional Information Received: 20 January 2024; Accepted: 28 May 2024; First Online: 11 June 2024; : C.A.N. and S.E.B. are cofounders and hold shares in MATE Bioservices, a company that commercialises uses of SPOKE knowledge graph. V.D.A. received consultancy fees from Allena Pharmaceuticals. C.M. is compensated by Thorne HealthTech. C.R. received Consultancy from Novartis. External Committee member in the Banff Foundation for Allograft Pathology, the Renal Pathology Society, the Royal College of Pathologists. P.S. is an equity holder in DigPath Inc, and currently he serves on the advisory board of the same incorporation. S.R. is an active shareholder in Curio Bio, which commercialises Slide-seq. C.E.M. is a co-Founder of Onegevity All other authors declare no competing interests.


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