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An Investigation of Environmental Management of Smart High-rise Buildings and Demand for Sustainable Policies

Bamunuachchige, Harshi


Harshi Bamunuachchige


The construction industry is playing a vital role in improving the quality life of people and is a major contributor to the national economy. In contrast, generating construction, and demolition waste, emits higher carbon emissions in the world. Sustainable policies are implemented to minimize the burden through construction activities and smart high-rise buildings are promoting sustainable development and sustainable culture in society. Sustainable development has been introduced for many years and construction industry is a major responsible industry with the highest energy consumption and the most pressing issue in society today is the energy crisis due to fuel shortage and resource depletion. Therefore, the aim of this research is to review the problems and challenges in the environmental management of smart high-rise buildings and the gaps to move towards net zero 2050 targets. This research will cover the global environmental management impacts on smart high-rise building construction and the gaps between sustainable rating systems and sustainable policies to control environmental management in smart building construction. Furthermore, it will be investigated the positive and negative consequences of current methods to make a smart building smarter. To achieve the aim of the research mixed method will be used, quantitative and qualitative analysis will be done to analyze the collected data in the research. The significance of the study is developing a conceptual framework for environmental management and policy application. Measurement model will be also developed to control of these activities to minimize the environmental impact through correctly implemented sustainable policies to achieve net zero 2050 targets.

Online Publication Date Jul 2, 2023
Publication Date Jul 2, 2023
Deposit Date Jan 23, 2025
Publisher URL
Collection Date Jul 2, 2023

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