Babangida Abdullahi
2024 SPARC Book Of Abstracts
Abdullahi, Babangida; Alhasan, Reem; Al-Humadi, Weaam; Alnajdawi, Ruwaida; Alshaibani, Noora; Amadi, Ugwunna Dickson; Anokwu, Jerome; Atto, Yara; Babic, Alexander; Bamunuachchige, Harshi; Barnes, Katie; Barnett, Andrew; Bayawo, Maryam Musa; Bolton, Tom; Bond-Simmons, James; Buhari, Murtala; Bunu, Sanusi; Burch, Tommy; Calderbank, Anne; Clarke, Brian M; Debrah, Kwame Ofosu; Elgamodi, Heba; Elmarakby, Esraa; Fasanmi, Olumide; Frank, Christopher; Gamage, Anne Purnima Erandathie; Glover, Nikki; Goddard, Tania; Green, Nathan; Guttridge, Nicola; Hameedawi, Wafaa; Hammocks, Andrew; Harris, David; Hemmings-Trigg, Katie; Hobbs, Jonathan; Hodson, John; Holmes, Lauren; Homer, Jack; Hulton, Lucy; Ihejieto, Anthony Chibueze; Irwin, Lucy; Jackman, Jake; James, Candace; Jones, Chris; Kaganowich, Levi; Keen, David; Khan, Mus'haf; Krishnan-Harihara, Subrahmaniam; Lewis-Dixon, Nicola; Lineshah, Lakshmi; Martin, Andrew; McGee, Ramin; Moore, Katrina; Morgan, Joe; Muhammad, Abubakar; Munnelly, Stacey; Nase...
Reem Alhasan
Weaam Al-Humadi
Ruwaida Alnajdawi
Noora Alshaibani
Ugwunna Dickson Amadi
Jerome Anokwu
Yara Atto
Alexander Babic
Harshi Bamunuachchige
Katie Barnes
Andrew Barnett
Maryam Musa Bayawo
Tom Bolton
James Bond-Simmons
Murtala Buhari
Sanusi Bunu
Tommy Burch
Anne Calderbank
Brian M Clarke
Kwame Ofosu Debrah
Heba Elgamodi
Esraa Elmarakby
Olumide Fasanmi
Christopher Frank
Anne Purnima Erandathie Gamage
Nikki Glover
Tania Goddard
Nathan Green
Nicola Guttridge
Wafaa Hameedawi
Andrew Hammocks
David Harris
Katie Hemmings-Trigg
Jonathan Hobbs
John Hodson
Jack Homer
Lucy Hulton
Anthony Chibueze Ihejieto
Lucy Irwin
Jake Jackman
Candace James
Mr Christopher Jones
Student Exp Manager
Levi Kaganowich
David Keen
Mus'haf Khan
Subrahmaniam Krishnan-Harihara
Nicola Lewis-Dixon
Lakshmi Lineshah
Andrew Martin
Ramin McGee
Katrina Moore
Joe Morgan
Abubakar Muhammad
Mrs Stacey Munnelly
Advanced Clinical Practitioner/ Associate Lecturer Practitioner/Doctoral candidate
Uzma Naseem
Ruby Naylor-Adamson
Tobenna Ndukwe
Vitalis Nwekoyo
Bryony O'Connor
Ivy Okerke
Eberhiri Benjamin Olomu
Ubongabasi Kingsley Omon
Ms Moyosore Opebiyi
Mohammad Oqlat
Deepthi Paidipati
Chamara Panakaduwa Gamage
Anna-Mary Percy
Keren Poliah
Aoife Prendergast
Ben Ramsey
Samantha Rhodes
Meredith Ritchie
James Robinson
Tom Robinson
Ali Saad
Yazidu Salihu
Mariano Sibilia
Zachary Simcox
Sara Soliman
Gillian Southgate
Piyawan Srikongpan
Liam Stout
Lajos Szentgyorgyi
Sheba Tayo-Garbson
Elsie Unsworth
Ying Wang
Zoe Weatherall
Bronwen Wilson
Chencheng Wu
Matthew Wynn
Matias Yoma Galleguillos
Miss Tracy Ireland
Welcome to the Book of Abstracts for the 2024 SPARC conference. Our conference this year was called “Celebrating your research and growing your networks”, with a focus theme of sustainability.
Sustainability is important for us all, sustaining the ecological and physical environments we depend on, but also to sustaining the economies and communities in which we live. For postgraduate researcher sustainability is also about managing work life balance and sustaining energy for and during the journey. The support, encouragement and constructive challenge peers provide each other is a truly invaluable part of sustaining and getting the most out of journey. There is no better place to see the value of the PGR community and peer support than at SPARC, where PGRs come together to share and celebrate each other’s research. SPARC is also a great networking opportunity. It’s a wonderful, exciting, energising event and this year we further extended our peer network, with PGRs from both Huddersfield University and Manchester Metropolitan coming to join us and share their work.
It’s fabulous to see that SPARC is growing, building on the huge value it offers the PGR community, and this was our biggest yet. We have received a tremendous contribution from our postgraduate research community; with 85 presenters, and 36 poster presentations, the conference showcases our extraordinarily vibrant, diverse PGR.
The abstracts contained here provide a taster of the diverse and impactful research in progress and contact details of authors are provided to enable you to make connections with people whose work interests you SPARC is part of a programme of personal and professional development opportunities offered to all postgraduate researchers at Salford. More information about this programme is available on our website: Doctoral School | University of Salford. Registered Salford students can access full details on the Doctoral School Hub - Home ( You can follow us on Twitter and Instagram @SalfordPGRs use the #SPARC2024 to see how the conference went.
If you would like more information about studying for a PhD here at the University of Salford, your lecturers can advise, or you can contact the relevant PGR Support Officer; their details can be found at Doctoral School | University of Salford.
Book Type | Authored Book |
Online Publication Date | Jun 26, 2024 |
Publication Date | Jun 26, 2024 |
Deposit Date | Nov 8, 2024 |
Publicly Available Date | Nov 8, 2024 |
ISBN | 9781912337750 |
Published Version
(1.4 Mb)
Publisher Licence URL
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