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Biography I completed both my undergraduate and postgraduate degrees as
part of the School of Science, Engineering and Environment, and have
returned to complete a I PhD in conjunction with the Energy House
Labs, the research will be based around Retrofit of Heritage Buildings, and is funded by Seddon Construction Ltd, with support of the National Trust and will be focusing on Building Physics as my main methodological focus, with the addition of multiple primary data collection processes to gain a strong qualitative and quantitative data set that can be interpretated for both academic and industrial platforms.

Completing the above I PhD Will be a challenge after a successful career in property and financial management, but my recent work within the sustainability and conservation sector, it is whilst working within research of this subject where I realised the two sectors both faced similar issues, and led to my passion and interest in providing sustainable and future proof homes for the UK and wider communities, which has eventually led me back to Salford to fulfill my research goals. I just hope that as a proud Yorkshire Man, I leave after the 4 years with my accent still in tact!!
Research Interests I have genuine interest in securing a sustainable future for Britain's existing housing stock and wider communities including green space development and infrastructure scale up, through both social and physical sciences.

A key focus within in my research is built heritage both nationally and internationally, utilising global resources to learn key development areas for the protection and development of UK heritage projects.
PhD Supervision Availability No