All Outputs (7)
Arthritis : improve your health, ease pain and live life to the full (2006)
Expert advice based on up-to-the-minute research, from specialists in Arthritis care. An authoritative, yet easy-to-understand guide to every type of arthritis, from juvenile to rheumatoid & osteoarthritis, as well as associated conditions such as lu... Read More about Arthritis : improve your health, ease pain and live life to the full.
Use of and belief in benefits of therapy and self management interventions in fibromyalgia (2006)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Background: Patient education standards recommend that identifying clients’ perceptions of effective treatment can assist in programme development [1]. This survey investigated the use of 12 strategies commonly recommended in systematic reviews and s... Read More about Use of and belief in benefits of therapy and self management interventions in fibromyalgia.
Patient education in arthritis: helping people change (2006)
Journal Article
Hammond, A. (2006). Patient education in arthritis: helping people change. Musculoskeletal Care, 1(2), 84. reviews of education for arthritis patients have emphasized behavioural approaches are effective in facilitating behaviour change and improving psychological and health status. This article discusses how a range of patient education and mo... Read More about Patient education in arthritis: helping people change.
Static orthoses in the prevention of hand dysfunction in rheumatoid arthritis: a review of the literature (2006)
Journal Article
Adams, J., Hammond, A., Burridge, J., & Cooper, C. (2006). Static orthoses in the prevention of hand dysfunction in rheumatoid arthritis: a review of the literature. Musculoskeletal Care, 3(2), 85. orthoses are recommended for individuals who have early rheumatoid arthritis (Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network, 2002; College of Occupational Therapists, 2003). These orthoses aim to rest and immobilize weakened joint structures and... Read More about Static orthoses in the prevention of hand dysfunction in rheumatoid arthritis: a review of the literature.
Current provision of rheumatology education for undergraduate nursing, occupational therapy and physiotherapy students in the UK (2006)
Journal Article
Almeida, C., Clarke, B., O'Brien, A., Hammond, A., Ryan, S., Kay, L., & Hewlett, S. (2006). Current provision of rheumatology education for undergraduate nursing, occupational therapy and physiotherapy students in the UK. Rheumatology, 45(7), 868-873. Rheumatological conditions are common and all health professionals (HPs) therefore need sufficient knowledge and skills to manage patients safely and effectively. The aim of this study was to examine current undergraduate education in... Read More about Current provision of rheumatology education for undergraduate nursing, occupational therapy and physiotherapy students in the UK.
Community patient education and exercise for people with fibromyalgia: a parallel group randomised controlled trial (2006)
Journal Article
Hammond, A., & Freeman, K. (2006). Community patient education and exercise for people with fibromyalgia: a parallel group randomised controlled trial. Clinical Rehabilitation, 20, 835-846. To evaluate the effects of a community patient education -exercise programme, using a cognitive-behavioural approach, for people with fibromyalgia. DESIGN: A randomized, parallel group trial with assessments at 0, 4 and 8 months. SETTING:... Read More about Community patient education and exercise for people with fibromyalgia: a parallel group randomised controlled trial.