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Smartphone fitness apps and football fans : a case study of Fan Fit (2019)
Book Chapter
Fenton, A., Cooper-Ryan, A., & Vasilica, C. (2019). Smartphone fitness apps and football fans : a case study of Fan Fit. In P. Krustrup, & D. Parnell (Eds.), Football as Medicine: Prescribing Football for Global Health Promotion. Routledge

The growth of smartphone ownership by fans around the world has continued to increase. Meanwhile, we are seeing a rise in dangerous levels of obesity, diabetes and heart disease. The most at-risk, hard-to-reach groups are often synonymous with footba... Read More about Smartphone fitness apps and football fans : a case study of Fan Fit.

The impact of the public transport on the health of work commuters : a systematic review (2019)
Journal Article
Norgate, S., Cooper-Ryan, A., Lavin, S., Stonier, C., & Cooper, C. (2020). The impact of the public transport on the health of work commuters : a systematic review. Health Psychology Review, 14(2), 325-344.

Although the public transport (PT) commute can form a substantial part of the working day, there is a significant gap in our understanding of how it influences health of those who engage in it. The purpose of this systematic review was to therefore g... Read More about The impact of the public transport on the health of work commuters : a systematic review.

Validating the sedentary sphere method in children : does wrist or accelerometer brand matter? (2019)
Journal Article
Hurter, L., Rowlands, A., Fairclough, S., Gibbon, K., Knowles, Z., Porcellato, L., …Boddy, L. (2019). Validating the sedentary sphere method in children : does wrist or accelerometer brand matter?. Journal of Sports Sciences, 37(16), 1910-1918.

This study aimed to validate the Sedentary Sphere posture classification method from wrist-worn accelerometers in children. Twenty-seven 9–10-year-old children wore ActiGraph GT9X (AG) and GENEActiv (GA) accelerometers on both wrists, and activPAL on... Read More about Validating the sedentary sphere method in children : does wrist or accelerometer brand matter?.