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All Outputs (92)

Defining Mechanistic Pathways for Anthropogenic Noise Impact on Avian Species (2024)
Journal Article
Engel, M. S., Young, R. J., Davies, W. J., Waddington, D., & Wood, M. D. (2024). Defining Mechanistic Pathways for Anthropogenic Noise Impact on Avian Species. Current Pollution Reports, 10(2), 247-276.

Purpose of Review: This review collates and analyses data on noise exposure of birds in relation to avian hearing system performance. It provides new insights into the mechanistic pathways of anthropogenic noise impact on avian species. Recent Findin... Read More about Defining Mechanistic Pathways for Anthropogenic Noise Impact on Avian Species.

Habitats: Developments in managing the ecological impacts of noise on wildlife habitats for sustainable development (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

The Habitats project integrates research in the fields of ecological impacts and environmental noise to facilitate development of management tools and processes needed for sustainable development. This conference paper summarises the content and outc... Read More about Habitats: Developments in managing the ecological impacts of noise on wildlife habitats for sustainable development.

What do we know about noise impacts on birds? A systematic review focusing on acoustic methodology (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

In recent years, several studies have shown how anthropogenic noise impacts wildlife. The methodologies used to quantify noise appear to influence data reliability and subsequent findings. Therefore, it is appropriate to review the robustness of acou... Read More about What do we know about noise impacts on birds? A systematic review focusing on acoustic methodology.

Understanding natural sound sources in urban soundscapes through psychoacoustic and bioacoustic indicators (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Over the recent years, it became more evident in soundscape studies realised in urban parks the importance of natural sound sources as a restorative resource for human health and well-being. This study investigates psychoacoustic and bioacoustics pat... Read More about Understanding natural sound sources in urban soundscapes through psychoacoustic and bioacoustic indicators.

Habitats : managing the ecological impacts of noise on wildlife habitats for sustainable development (2022)
Presentation / Conference
Waddington, D., Wood, M., Davies, W., & Young, R. (2022, August). Habitats : managing the ecological impacts of noise on wildlife habitats for sustainable development. Presented at Internoise 2022, Glasgow, Scotland

The objective of the Habitats project is to integrate research in the fields of ecological impacts and
of environmental noise, developing management tools and processes to enable sustainable
development. Rapid population expansion and economic deve... Read More about Habitats : managing the ecological impacts of noise on wildlife habitats for sustainable development.

Spatial aspects of auditory salience (2020)
Podwinska, Z. Spatial aspects of auditory salience. (Thesis). University of Salford

Models of auditory salience aim to predict which sounds attract people’s attention, and their proposed applications range from soundscape design to machine listening systems and object-based broadcasting. A few different types of models have been pro... Read More about Spatial aspects of auditory salience.

Environmental noise levels in hospital settings : a rapid review of measurement techniques and implementation in hospital settings (2020)
Journal Article

Background: Hospitals provide treatment to improve patient health and well-being but the characteristics of the care environment receive little attention. Excessive noise at night has a negative impact on in-patient health through disturbed sleep. To... Read More about Environmental noise levels in hospital settings : a rapid review of measurement techniques and implementation in hospital settings.

Improving broadcast accessibility for hard of hearing individuals : using object-based audio personalisation and narrative importance (2020)
Ward, L. Improving broadcast accessibility for hard of hearing individuals : using object-based audio personalisation and narrative importance. (Thesis). University of Salford

Technological advances in broadcasting can be the impetus for advances in accessibility services. For the 11 million individuals in the United Kingdom with some degree of hearing loss, the advent of object-based broadcasting and it’s personalisation... Read More about Improving broadcast accessibility for hard of hearing individuals : using object-based audio personalisation and narrative importance.

Autistic listening (2019)
Presentation / Conference
Davies, W. (2019, November). Autistic listening. Presented at Aural Diversity, Leicester, UK

Autism is a lifelong neurodevelopmental condition diagnosed by differences in social interaction and communication. Most autistic people also experience atypical sensory processing (e.g., a heightened sensitivity to sound or texture). Nearly all auti... Read More about Autistic listening.

Pupil dilation reveals changes in listening effort due to energetic and informational masking (2019)
Presentation / Conference
Woodcock, J., Fazenda, B., Cox, T., & Davies, W. (2019, September). Pupil dilation reveals changes in listening effort due to energetic and informational masking. Presented at ICA 2019, Aachen, Germany

Pupil dilation has previously been shown to be a useful involuntary marker of listening effort. An inverse relationship between pupil diameter and signal to noise ratio has been shown when speech is energetically masked by noise. The work reported he... Read More about Pupil dilation reveals changes in listening effort due to energetic and informational masking.

Connecting design, emotion, and behaviour in urban soundscape (2019)
Presentation / Conference
Carvalho, M., Davies, W., & Fazenda, B. (2019, July). Connecting design, emotion, and behaviour in urban soundscape. Poster presented at SPARC 2019 Fake News and Home Truths, MediaCity UK, Salford

With the purpose of assisting developments in urban soundscape design, the present research investigates how soundscapes can influence emotions and behaviours in public spaces aiming to find healthy reactions to “exciting” sonic environments. In the... Read More about Connecting design, emotion, and behaviour in urban soundscape.

Testing spatial aspects of auditory salience (2019)
Presentation / Conference
Podwinska, Z., Fazenda, B., & Davies, W. (2019, June). Testing spatial aspects of auditory salience. Presented at The 25th International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD 2019), Northumbria University, UK

Auditory salience describes the extent to which sounds attract the listener’s attention. So far, there have not been any published studies testing if the location of sound relative to the listener influences its salience. In fact, not many experiment... Read More about Testing spatial aspects of auditory salience.

Generalisation in environmental sound classification : the ‘making sense of sounds’ data set and challenge (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Humans are able to identify a large number of environmental sounds and categorise them according to high-level semantic categories, e.g. urban sounds or music. They are also capable of generalising from past experience to new sounds when applying the... Read More about Generalisation in environmental sound classification : the ‘making sense of sounds’ data set and challenge.

Acoustic Event Detection from Weakly Labeled Data Using Auditory Salience (2019)
Presentation / Conference
Podwinska, Z., Sobieraj, I., Fazenda, B., Davies, W., & Plumbley, M. (2019, May). Acoustic Event Detection from Weakly Labeled Data Using Auditory Salience. Presented at 2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Brighton, UK

Acoustic Event Detection (AED) is an important task of machine listening which, in recent years, has been addressed using common machine learning methods like Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) or deep learning. However, most of these approaches... Read More about Acoustic Event Detection from Weakly Labeled Data Using Auditory Salience.