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All Outputs (4)

Industry Engagement and Authentic Assessment, their contribution to Lifewide Learning for Postgraduate students of professionally orientated disciplines. (2024)
Journal Article
Conroy, C., & Clark, A. (in press). Industry Engagement and Authentic Assessment, their contribution to Lifewide Learning for Postgraduate students of professionally orientated disciplines. Innovative practice in higher education, 5(3),

Structured opportunities for work-based learning, such as live-brief projects (QAA, 2018), are valued by Professional, Statutory & Regulatory Bodies (PSRBs) for the opportunities afforded for behavioural competency development such as stakeholder man... Read More about Industry Engagement and Authentic Assessment, their contribution to Lifewide Learning for Postgraduate students of professionally orientated disciplines..

Industry Engagement and Authentic Assessment, their contribution to Lifewide Learning for PGT students of professionally orientated disciplines (2023)
Presentation / Conference
Conroy, C., & Clark, A. (2023, September). Industry Engagement and Authentic Assessment, their contribution to Lifewide Learning for PGT students of professionally orientated disciplines. Poster presented at Festival of Teaching & Learning 2023, University of Salford

Salford has a long-standing tradition of providing professionally orientated programmes. Our graduates will play a leading role in the formulation, implementation and evaluation of policy and practice initiatives.
The UoS Education and Employabilit... Read More about Industry Engagement and Authentic Assessment, their contribution to Lifewide Learning for PGT students of professionally orientated disciplines.

Domestic fire risk : a narrative review of social science literature and implications for future research (2014)
Journal Article
Clark, A., Smith, J., & Conroy, C. (2015). Domestic fire risk : a narrative review of social science literature and implications for future research. Journal of Risk Research, 18(9), 1113-1129.

In this paper, we make the case for more social science research into fire incidents and fire-related risk behaviour. Unlike other vulnerabilities, such as crime, illness or risk-associated activities such as smoking, or accident avoidance, remarkabl... Read More about Domestic fire risk : a narrative review of social science literature and implications for future research.

Why don’t you go for a walk at lunchtime when you know it’s good for you? (2011)
Presentation / Conference
Conroy, C., James, P., Weinberg, A., & Bendall, R. (2011, September). Why don’t you go for a walk at lunchtime when you know it’s good for you?. Poster presented at Sustainable Well-Being, Wrexham

Health ecology, an emerging discipline, considers human health and well-being, including psychosocial issues such as
perception of and attitudes towards wellbeing, in the context of human interaction with their environment (Bhasin, Shampa Nag, 2011)... Read More about Why don’t you go for a walk at lunchtime when you know it’s good for you?.