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The contribution of nurse consultants in England to the public health leadership agenda (2014)
Journal Article
Franks, H. (2014). The contribution of nurse consultants in England to the public health leadership agenda. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 23(23-24), 3434-3448.

Aims and objectives: To examine the contribution of nurse consultants in relation to UK public health outcomes by contrasting the health and public health skills frameworks with a study of the role of nurse consultants.

Background: Nurse consultan... Read More about The contribution of nurse consultants in England to the public health leadership agenda.

Being an effective nurse consultant in the English National Health Service : what does it take? A study of consultants specializing in safeguarding (2012)
Journal Article
Franks, H., & Howarth, M. (2012). Being an effective nurse consultant in the English National Health Service : what does it take? A study of consultants specializing in safeguarding. Journal of Nursing Management, 20(7), 847-857.


This study established key attributes and perceived strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) of nurse consultants specialising in safeguarding children.


The nurse consultant role in England spans four doma... Read More about Being an effective nurse consultant in the English National Health Service : what does it take? A study of consultants specializing in safeguarding.

Public health interventions and behaviour change: Reviewing the grey literature (2012)
Journal Article
Franks, H., Hardiker, N., Mcgrath, M., & Mcquarrie, C. (2012). Public health interventions and behaviour change: Reviewing the grey literature. Public Health, 126(1), 12-17

This study identified and reviewed grey literature relating to factors facilitating and inhibiting effective interventions in three areas: the promotion of mental health and well-being, the improvement of food and nutrition, and intervent... Read More about Public health interventions and behaviour change: Reviewing the grey literature.

Daring to be different : a qualitative study exploring the education needs of the nurse consultant (2011)
Journal Article
Franks, H., & Howarth, M. (2011). Daring to be different : a qualitative study exploring the education needs of the nurse consultant. Nurse Education Today, 32(4), 406-411.

Nurse consultants are recognised experts and are one of the most senior nursing ‘clinical’ grades. How these
roles have developed has varied but all require an armoury of expanded and extended skills. However, since
their introduction in the UK l... Read More about Daring to be different : a qualitative study exploring the education needs of the nurse consultant.

Establishing library ‘key skill’ confidence levels amongst a cohort of nursing students at an English university (2007)
Journal Article
Franks, H., & McAlonan, C. (2007). Establishing library ‘key skill’ confidence levels amongst a cohort of nursing students at an English university. Nurse Education in Practice, 7(4), 258-265.

This article presents the findings of a small-scale preliminary survey of one cohort of students studying towards a Diploma/BSc in Nursing. The survey sought to establish student characteristics and indicate their confidence levels using identified k... Read More about Establishing library ‘key skill’ confidence levels amongst a cohort of nursing students at an English university.

Establishing library 'key skill' confidence levels amongst a cohort of nursing students at an English university (2007)
Journal Article
Franks, H., & McAlonan, C. (2007). Establishing library 'key skill' confidence levels amongst a cohort of nursing students at an English university. Nurse Education in Practice, 70(4), 258.

Summary: This article presents the findings of a small-scale preliminary survey of one cohort of students studying towards a Diploma/BSc in Nursing. The survey sought to establish student characteristics and indicate their confidence levels using ide... Read More about Establishing library 'key skill' confidence levels amongst a cohort of nursing students at an English university.

Career paths beyond nursing and the contribution of nursing experience and skills in attaining these positions (2002)
Journal Article
Duffield, C., & Franks, H. (2002). Career paths beyond nursing and the contribution of nursing experience and skills in attaining these positions. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 39(6), 601-609.

This paper reports on an exploratory study undertaken in New South Wales, Australia which sought to identify the positions nurses go on to when they leave nursing and the skills and experience they gained from nursing which they believe enabled them... Read More about Career paths beyond nursing and the contribution of nursing experience and skills in attaining these positions.

Qualifications and experience: how well prepared are nurse managers compared to health service executives? (2002)
Journal Article
Duffield, C., & Franks, H. (2002). Qualifications and experience: how well prepared are nurse managers compared to health service executives?. Australian Health Review, 25(2), 182-190

The purpose of the paper was to compare the demographic details, educational qualifications, professional support and career guidance experiences of two groups of health managers as reported in previous research. One group comprised nurse managers (D... Read More about Qualifications and experience: how well prepared are nurse managers compared to health service executives?.

The role and preparation of first-line nurse managers in Australia: where are we going and how do we get there? (2001)
Journal Article
Duffield, C., & Franks, H. (2001). The role and preparation of first-line nurse managers in Australia: where are we going and how do we get there?. Journal of Nursing Management, 9(2), 87-91.

Organizational restructuring is impacting heavily on the first-line nurse managers' role. Given their critical role, it is important that the best and most talented are attracted to and prepared to be first-line managers. The authors provide an overv... Read More about The role and preparation of first-line nurse managers in Australia: where are we going and how do we get there?.

The contribution of advanced nurses in the UK to the public health agenda : the case of nurse consultants working in safeguarding children roles
Journal Article
Franks, H. The contribution of advanced nurses in the UK to the public health agenda : the case of nurse consultants working in safeguarding children roles. Manuscript submitted for publication

Aims of the paper
This paper examines the skills, competencies and effectiveness of advanced nurse practitioners (ANP) in relation to the promotion of health and implementation of the public health agenda in the UK. Contrasting the UK Skills for Hea... Read More about The contribution of advanced nurses in the UK to the public health agenda : the case of nurse consultants working in safeguarding children roles.