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All Outputs (2)

The Roman settlement at Old Carlisle (2005)
Journal Article
Miller, I., & McPhillips, S. (2005). The Roman settlement at Old Carlisle. Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society Transactions, 5, 25-30

A recent opportunity to examine part of the Roman settlement associated with the fort at Old Carlisle, Cumbria, was provided by clearance work at Old Carlisle Farm (NY 2614 4614). In order to construct a level yard to the west of the farm, an area me... Read More about The Roman settlement at Old Carlisle.

Iron-working at Cunsey Forge: the archaeological and documentary evidence from an initial survey (2005)
Journal Article
Miller, I. (2005). Iron-working at Cunsey Forge: the archaeological and documentary evidence from an initial survey. Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society Transactions, 5, 173-198.

The author presents documentary and archaeological evidence for the location and period of use of Cunsey Forge, a bloomery forge located on land adjacent to Cunsey Beck, on the west bank of Windermere, from 1618 to the mid-eighteenth century. The aut... Read More about Iron-working at Cunsey Forge: the archaeological and documentary evidence from an initial survey.