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All Outputs (36)

What price a welcome? Understanding structure agency in the delivery of respectful midwifery care in Uganda (2018)
Journal Article
Ackers, L., Webster, H., Mugahi, R., & Namiro, R. (2018). What price a welcome? Understanding structure agency in the delivery of respectful midwifery care in Uganda. International Journal of Health Governance, 23(1), 46-59.

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to present the findings of research on mothers and midwives’ understanding of the concept of respectful care in the Ugandan public health settings. It focusses on one aspect of respect; namely communication that... Read More about What price a welcome? Understanding structure agency in the delivery of respectful midwifery care in Uganda.

Organisational barriers to the facilitation of overseas volunteering and training placements in the NHS (2018)
Journal Article
Chatwin, J., & Ackers, H. (2018). Organisational barriers to the facilitation of overseas volunteering and training placements in the NHS. BMC Public Health, 18(1), 69.

Undertaking a period of voluntary work or a professional placement overseas has long been a feature of medical training in the UK. There are now a number of high profile National Health Service (NHS) initiatives aimed at increasing acces... Read More about Organisational barriers to the facilitation of overseas volunteering and training placements in the NHS.

The impact of delays on maternal and neonatal outcomes in Ugandan public health facilities : the role of absenteeism (2016)
Journal Article

Maternal mortality in low and middle income countries (LMICs) continues to remain high. The Ugandan Ministry of Health’s Strategic Plan suggests that little, if any, progress has been made in Uganda in terms of improvements in Maternal Health (Millen... Read More about The impact of delays on maternal and neonatal outcomes in Ugandan public health facilities : the role of absenteeism.

POCARIM final report (2014)

This final report presents the key findings and recommendations emerging from the Mapping the Population, Careers, Mobilities and Impacts of Advanced Research Degree Graduates in the Social Sciences and Humanities (POCARIM) study.

POCARIM policy brief 3 : The role of networking in the social sciences and humanities (2014)
Ackers, H. (in press). POCARIM policy brief 3 : The role of networking in the social sciences and humanities

Policy Brief 3 focuses on the subject of networking. Networks are critical to many aspects of the POCARIM project. On the one hand they play an important role in career development both in terms of disseminating information about positions and resear... Read More about POCARIM policy brief 3 : The role of networking in the social sciences and humanities.

Mobilities and social capital: understanding the importance of international networking to progression in research careers (2014)
Presentation / Conference
Ackers, H. (2014, August). Mobilities and social capital: understanding the importance of international networking to progression in research careers. Presented at RGS-IBG Annual International Conference: Geographies of co-production, Imperial College, London

This paper draws on research conducted as part of the POCARIM study of mobilities and career progression in the social sciences and humanities. The findings underline the importance of certain forms of mobilities associated with network-building to c... Read More about Mobilities and social capital: understanding the importance of international networking to progression in research careers.

Making doctoral mobility work in and beyond the doctoral phase : lessons from experience (2014)
Presentation / Conference
Coey, C., & Ackers, H. (2014, June). Making doctoral mobility work in and beyond the doctoral phase : lessons from experience. Presented at 7th Annual Meeting of the EUA Council for Doctoral Education,: Doctoral Education: Thinking globally, acting locally’, University of Liverpool

The paper we propose to present explores the experiences of doctorate holders who have undertaken international mobility for part or the whole of their doctoral phase. We draw on the experiences of a sample of over 2,500 survey respondents and 340 in... Read More about Making doctoral mobility work in and beyond the doctoral phase : lessons from experience.

POCARIM policy report 13 : The role of relationships in knowledge mobilisation: some conclusions and policy recommendations (2014)
Ackers, H. (in press). POCARIM policy report 13 : The role of relationships in knowledge mobilisation: some conclusions and policy recommendations

This concluding paper reflects on the role that scholarly networks and relationships play in the creation and mobilisation of knowledge in the social sciences and humanities (SSH). More specifically, it focuses on how inter-disciplinary, inter-sector... Read More about POCARIM policy report 13 : The role of relationships in knowledge mobilisation: some conclusions and policy recommendations.

POCARIM policy report 7 : The importance of networking to the careers, mobilities and impacts of POCARIM respondents (2014)
Ackers, H. (in press). POCARIM policy report 7 : The importance of networking to the careers, mobilities and impacts of POCARIM respondents

Between 2011 and 2014 a multinational team of academics and researchers collaborated on a research project funded by the European Commission under the Framework 7 Programme: Mapping the Population, Careers, Mobilities and Impacts of Advanced Research... Read More about POCARIM policy report 7 : The importance of networking to the careers, mobilities and impacts of POCARIM respondents.

Defining and measuring the personal and professional development for healthcare professionals on international placements in low and middle income countries
Tyler, N. (in press). Defining and measuring the personal and professional development for healthcare professionals on international placements in low and middle income countries. (Thesis). University of Salford

It is frequently reported that British health professionals learn and develop considerably as a result of undertaking international placements in low and middle-income countries. However, there has been little attempt to empirically identify, analyse... Read More about Defining and measuring the personal and professional development for healthcare professionals on international placements in low and middle income countries.

Voices from the global south : exploring the lived experiences of Ugandan health workers hosting British volunteers
Osman, H. (in press). Voices from the global south : exploring the lived experiences of Ugandan health workers hosting British volunteers. (Thesis). University of Salford

Over the last few decades, volunteering in the global South by medical professionals from the global North has become a widespread phenomenon. Evidence suggests that this activity has been studied almost exclusively from volunteer or sending country... Read More about Voices from the global south : exploring the lived experiences of Ugandan health workers hosting British volunteers.