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All Outputs (6)

Growing spaces : an evaluation of the mental health recovery programme using mixed methods (2018)
Journal Article
Howarth, M., Rogers, M., Withnell, N., & McQuarrie, C. (2018). Growing spaces : an evaluation of the mental health recovery programme using mixed methods. Journal of Research in Nursing, 23(6), 476-489.

Background: Therapeutic horticulture is a nature-based method which includes a range of green activities such as gardening to promote wellbeing. It is believed that therapeutic horticulture provides a person-centred approach that can reduce social is... Read More about Growing spaces : an evaluation of the mental health recovery programme using mixed methods.

The influence of therapeutic horticulture on social integration (2016)
Journal Article
Howarth, M., Withnell, N., McQuarrie, C., & Smith, E. (2016). The influence of therapeutic horticulture on social integration. Journal of Public Mental Health, 15(3), 136-140.

Study Purpose: The purpose of the pilot study was to qualitatively evaluate the impact of therapeutic horticulture on social integration for people who have mental health problems.
Method: A qualitative grounded theory approach captured the percept... Read More about The influence of therapeutic horticulture on social integration.

Developing confidence in mental health students to recognise and manage physical health problems using a learning intervention (2016)
Journal Article
Chadwick, A., & Withnell, N. (2016). Developing confidence in mental health students to recognise and manage physical health problems using a learning intervention. Nurse Education in Practice, 19, 25-30.

Globally, there is increased recognition of a higher prevalence of physical ill health and mortality in individuals with mental health problems. A review of the literature highlighted the need to address deterioration in physical health of those with... Read More about Developing confidence in mental health students to recognise and manage physical health problems using a learning intervention.

Innovative placement allocation model for pre-registration student nurses (2014)
Journal Article
Leigh, J., Withnell, N., Finnigan, N., Winder, H., O'Flanagan, S., Buliptt, S., …Dean, S. (2014). Innovative placement allocation model for pre-registration student nurses

Student nurses require a variety of high quality practice placements to prepare them for registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) yet in reality this can be difficult to achieve. This case study reports on the development and impleme... Read More about Innovative placement allocation model for pre-registration student nurses.

Assessing the impact of delivering family interventions training modules: Findings of a small-scale study (2013)
Journal Article
Murphy, N., & Withnell, N. (2013). Assessing the impact of delivering family interventions training modules: Findings of a small-scale study. Mental health nursing (London), 33(5), 10-13

This paper discusses the impact of delivering a family interventions module to qualified mental health practitioners, and in particular highlights whether participants are able to utilise the skills that they learn into practice. This small-scale stu... Read More about Assessing the impact of delivering family interventions training modules: Findings of a small-scale study.