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All Outputs (2)

Finding your tribe - how cross institutional collaboration fosters creative connections to boost learning and teaching in a pandemic (2021)
Presentation / Conference
Hunter, A., Nerantzi, C., Withnell, N., Gillaspy, E., Sinfield, S., O'Brien, R., & Tasler, N. (2021, July). Finding your tribe - how cross institutional collaboration fosters creative connections to boost learning and teaching in a pandemic. Presented at 19th Academic Practice and Technology Conference (APT2021), London School of Economics & Political Science, Imperial College London and University College London

The #creativeHE community was developed with the purpose of
drawing people together to support and develop creative learning,
teaching and research practices in HE (Nerantzi et al, 2016). From the
beginning, the community had an online presence an... Read More about Finding your tribe - how cross institutional collaboration fosters creative connections to boost learning and teaching in a pandemic.

Revisiting #BYOD4L in light of Covid 19: Developing open practices with care (2021)
Presentation / Conference
MacNeill, S., MacKinnon, T., Withnell, N., Baff, D., Faulkner, S., Beckingham, S., …Middleton, A. (2021, April). Revisiting #BYOD4L in light of Covid 19: Developing open practices with care. Presented at Association for Learning Technology OERxDomains Conference., Online