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“It was like someone was pissin on me in my own home”: experiences of Sinophobia victims during the COVID-19 global pandemic (2024)
Journal Article
Patel, T. G. (in press). “It was like someone was pissin on me in my own home”: experiences of Sinophobia victims during the COVID-19 global pandemic. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 1-25.

Having seen a rise in the expression of Sinophobia and anti-Chinese / East Asian sentiments during the Covid-19 pandemic, this article hypothesizes that such racism is intersectionally informed, resulting in non-universal experiences. In discussing s... Read More about “It was like someone was pissin on me in my own home”: experiences of Sinophobia victims during the COVID-19 global pandemic.

Islamophobia as Intersectional Phenomenon (2024)
Book Chapter
Ansari, S. N., & Patel, T. G. (2024). Islamophobia as Intersectional Phenomenon. In A. Easat-Daas, & I. Zempi (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Gendered Islamophobia (11-27). Springer.

The debate surrounding Muslim bodies and in particular Muslim women, continue to problematise dress typically associated with Islam, and in doing so question the agency of Muslim women. This chapter highlights how using an intersectional lens allows... Read More about Islamophobia as Intersectional Phenomenon.

Intersectional Dynamics (2024)
Presentation / Conference
Patel, T. (2024, March). Intersectional Dynamics. Presented at International Women’s Day Conference, Salford

Higher Rates of Bullying Reported by ‘White’ Males: Gender and Ethno-Racial Intersections and Bullying in the Workplace (2022)
Journal Article
Patel, T. G., Kamerade, D., & Carr, L. (2022). Higher Rates of Bullying Reported by ‘White’ Males: Gender and Ethno-Racial Intersections and Bullying in the Workplace. Work, Employment and Society, 38(2), 442-460.

Existing workplace bullying literature suggests that ethno-racial minorities and women are more likely to be bullied in relation to their ethnicity, race or gender. However, very few studies apply an intersectional framework of analysis to consider,... Read More about Higher Rates of Bullying Reported by ‘White’ Males: Gender and Ethno-Racial Intersections and Bullying in the Workplace.

Racialisation, the EU Referendum result and sentiments of belonging in the UK: a consideration of Roma populations (2022)
Journal Article
Patel, T., Martin, P., Brown, P., & Tyler, P. (2023). Racialisation, the EU Referendum result and sentiments of belonging in the UK: a consideration of Roma populations. Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 31(4), 1178-1191.

This article reports on a qualitative study with migrant Roma communities in South Yorkshire, UK. The study was undertaken shortly after the 2016 European Union membership referendum in the UK. It finds that while hostility towards the studied Roma p... Read More about Racialisation, the EU Referendum result and sentiments of belonging in the UK: a consideration of Roma populations.

Race (2022)
Book Chapter

An Introduction to Sociology is your essential guide to understanding the social forces that shape our lives and the world around us.

This innovative textbook introduces you to the key theories, themes, and concepts in the discipline of sociology... Read More about Race.

Identity, religion, and clothing : the lives of British Muslim women (2021)
Ansari, S. Identity, religion, and clothing : the lives of British Muslim women. (Thesis). University of Salford

The continuing discourse around Muslim women’s bodies has predominately occupied itself with ideas of ‘traditional’ Islamic dress such as the Hijab, Burka, and the Niqab. Rarely has the image of the Muslim woman moved away from these popular discours... Read More about Identity, religion, and clothing : the lives of British Muslim women.

Phenomenological study of student nurses’ preparedness for delivering culturally competent care upon graduation (2021)
Wang, Q. Phenomenological study of student nurses’ preparedness for delivering culturally competent care upon graduation. (Thesis). University of Salford

Cultural competence is an essential requirement for delivering appropriate care to patients from diverse cultural backgrounds. An analysis of the literature revealed notions of cultural competence was mainly from the United States (US). In contrast,... Read More about Phenomenological study of student nurses’ preparedness for delivering culturally competent care upon graduation.

‘Post-race’ racism in the narratives of ‘Brexit’ voters (2019)
Journal Article
Patel, T., & Connelly, L. (2019). ‘Post-race’ racism in the narratives of ‘Brexit’ voters. Sociological Review, 67(5), 968-984.

Although a growing body of scholarship seeks to understand the motivations behind the ‘Brexit’ vote – including that which centralises explorations of racism, nationalism and post-colonialism – little consideration has been given to the ways in which... Read More about ‘Post-race’ racism in the narratives of ‘Brexit’ voters.