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Research ethics (2015)
Book Chapter
Johnson, M., & Long, T. (2015). Research ethics. In K. Gerrish, & J. Lathlean (Eds.), The Research Process in Nursing 7th Edition (31-42). London: Wiley Blackwell

Comparison of the expressed experiences of survivors of childhood medulloblastoma with measures of health and quality of life, and with issues identified in consultations (2015)
Long, T., Estlin, E., Nenadic, G., Keane, J., Gattamaneni, R., McCabe, M., …Deghan, A. (2015). Comparison of the expressed experiences of survivors of childhood medulloblastoma with measures of health and quality of life, and with issues identified in consultations

When the study was planned, the Young Oncology Unit at The Christie housed both the adult and paediatric follow-up clinics for patients who have been diagnosed with a tumour of the central nervous system (CNS) in childhood and adolescence or young ad... Read More about Comparison of the expressed experiences of survivors of childhood medulloblastoma with measures of health and quality of life, and with issues identified in consultations.