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All Outputs (56)

An experimental study of the cathodic polarization of the reinforcement in chloride contaminated concrete (2017)
Presentation / Conference
Oleiwi, H., Wang, Y., Curioni, M., Augusthus Nelson, L., Chen, X., & Shabalin, I. (2017, September). An experimental study of the cathodic polarization of the reinforcement in chloride contaminated concrete. Presented at 20th International Corrosion Congress & Process Safety Congress (EUROCORR 2017), Prague

This paper reports an experimental study on the influence of chloride contamination on the polarization resistance, concrete resistivity, and the potential shift of concrete reinforcement under different cathodic protection (CP) current densities. Re... Read More about An experimental study of the cathodic polarization of the reinforcement in chloride contaminated concrete.

Experimental study and modelling of the thermal conductivity of sandy soils of different porosities and water contents (2017)
Journal Article
and water contents. Applied Sciences, 7(2), 119.

This paper at first reports an experimental work to test the thermal conductivity of formulated sandy soil specimens of different porosities and water contents. Both needle probe and hot-plate methods were conducted and compared. It has been confirme... Read More about Experimental study and modelling of the thermal conductivity of sandy soils of different porosities and water contents.

Modelling of the water retention characteristic of deformable soils (2016)
Journal Article
Wang, Y., Sheng, D., Ross, K., & Toll, D. (2016). Modelling of the water retention characteristic of deformable soils. E3S Web of Conferences, 9(2016), #11005.

A recently proposed water retention model has been further developed for the application on unsaturated deformable soils. The physical mechanisms underpinning the water retention characteristic of soils was at first described in terms of traditional... Read More about Modelling of the water retention characteristic of deformable soils.

An experimental study of the concrete using polymer and metakaolin as additives (2016)
Presentation / Conference
Al Menhosh, A., Wang, Y., & Wang, Y. (2016, August). An experimental study of the concrete using polymer and metakaolin as additives. Presented at SCMT4, Las Vegas, USA

Environmental friendly and high performance concrete is very import for the applications in sewage and water treatment industry. Using mineral additives such as fly ash and silica fume has been proven an effective approach to improve concrete propert... Read More about An experimental study of the concrete using polymer and metakaolin as additives.

The mechanical properties of the concrete using metakaolin additive and polymer admixture (2016)
Journal Article
metakaolin additive and polymer admixture. Journal of Engineering, 2016,

Environmentally friendly and high performance concrete is very import for the applications in sewage andwater treatment industry. Using mineral additives such as fly ash and silica fume has been proven to be an effective approach to improve concrete... Read More about The mechanical properties of the concrete using metakaolin additive and polymer admixture.

Modelling of chloride penetration in unsaturated concrete (2015)
Journal Article
Geng, J., Li, L., & Wang, Y. (2015). Modelling of chloride penetration in unsaturated concrete. Advances in cement research, 28(1), 51-61.

In this paper, a new model is proposed to describe the coupled transport of ionic species and ionic solution in
unsaturated concrete. The main difference between the present model and most existing models is the inclusion of
osmotic effect due to s... Read More about Modelling of chloride penetration in unsaturated concrete.

Experimental study of the performance related properties of asphalt concrete modified with hydrated lime (2015)
Journal Article
of asphalt concrete modified with hydrated lime. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 28(5), 04015185-1.

The use of additives is one of the effective techniques adopted to improve pavement properties. Recently, hydrated lime has been categorized as a major additive in asphalt pavement because of its wide availability and relatively cheap cost. The main... Read More about Experimental study of the performance related properties of asphalt concrete modified with hydrated lime.

Influence of hydrated lime on the properties and permanent deformation of the asphalt concrete layers in pavement (2015)
Journal Article
Al-Tameemi, A., Wang, Y., & Albayati, A. (2015). Influence of hydrated lime on the properties and permanent deformation of the asphalt concrete layers in pavement. Romanian Journal of Transport Infrastructure, 4(1), 1-19.

Flexible or asphalt concrete pavement is the paving system most widely adopted all over the world. It has been recognized that there are many different types of the factors affecting the performance and durability of asphalt concrete pavement, includ... Read More about Influence of hydrated lime on the properties and permanent deformation of the asphalt concrete layers in pavement.

Flood-runoff in semi-arid and sub-humid regions, a case study : a simulation of jianghe watershed in Northern China (2015)
Journal Article
study : a simulation of jianghe watershed in Northern China. Water, 7(9), 5155-5172.

This paper presents a modeling application of surface runoff using the Hydrologic Modelling System (HEC-HMS). A case study was carried out for the Jianghe watershed, a typical semi-arid and sub-humid geo-climatic region in northern China. Two modelin... Read More about Flood-runoff in semi-arid and sub-humid regions, a case study : a simulation of jianghe watershed in Northern China.

Clogging of vertical-flow constructed wetlands treating urban wastewater contaminated with a diesel spill (2014)
Journal Article
Al-Isawi, R., Scholz, M., Wang, Y., & Sani, A. (2014). Clogging of vertical-flow constructed wetlands treating urban wastewater contaminated with a diesel spill. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 22(17), 12779-12803.

Clogging often leads to a decrease of the treatment performance of wetlands. The aims of this study were to compare the impact of different design and operational variables on the treatment efficiency and clogging processes and to model suspended sol... Read More about Clogging of vertical-flow constructed wetlands treating urban wastewater contaminated with a diesel spill.

Impact of water quality parameters on the clogging of vertical-flow constructed wetlands treating urban wastewater (2013)
Journal Article
wastewater. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 224, 1488.

In theory, biological and physical clogging,
induced as a result of potentially excessive formation
of biomass from degradation of pollutants and retention
of inert suspended fine particles, respectively,
should result in a decrease of treatment... Read More about Impact of water quality parameters on the clogging of vertical-flow constructed wetlands treating urban wastewater.

A physico-chemical model of the water vapour sorption isotherm of hardened cementitious materials (2012)
Journal Article
Wang, Y., Wang, X., Scholz, M., & Ross, D. (2012). A physico-chemical model of the water vapour sorption isotherm of hardened cementitious materials. Construction and Building Materials, 35, 941-946.

This paper reports on the recent development of a physico-chemical model for the water retention characteristic of porous media and its application to the prediction of water vapour sorption isotherm of cementitious materials. This research aims to d... Read More about A physico-chemical model of the water vapour sorption isotherm of hardened cementitious materials.

A physical–chemical model for the static water retention characteristic of unsaturated porous media (2008)
Journal Article
Wang, Y., Grove, S., & Anderson, M. (2008). A physical–chemical model for the static water retention characteristic of unsaturated porous media. Advances in water resources, 31(4), 701-713.

Water retention characteristic or water retention curve (WRC) is an important constitutive feature of porous media, and also meanwhile
is an indispensable requirement in hydraulic transport modelling. Previous experiments have indicated that the spe... Read More about A physical–chemical model for the static water retention characteristic of unsaturated porous media.

An experimental study of high-performance concrete using metakaolin additive and polymer admixture
Al Menhosh, A. (in press). An experimental study of high-performance concrete using metakaolin additive and polymer admixture. (Thesis). University of Salford

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the use of supplementary cementing materials and polymers to produce high-performance concrete. Utilizing a mineral substance as cement replacement in concrete has less environmental pollution and... Read More about An experimental study of high-performance concrete using metakaolin additive and polymer admixture.

Using cathodic protection to control corrosion of reinforced concrete structures
Oleiwi, H. (in press). Using cathodic protection to control corrosion of reinforced concrete structures. (Thesis). University of Salford

Cathodic protection (CP) has been increasingly used on reinforced concrete structures to protect steel reinforcement from corrosion. However, due to the complexity of environmental conditions, the specifications in national and international standard... Read More about Using cathodic protection to control corrosion of reinforced concrete structures.