A gathering of creative outputs as a case study for transformational change
Journal Article
All Outputs (181)
A thematic approach to enhance transition between levels, for students with vocational qualifications. (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
This workshop explores insightful practice in relation to supporting students who enter higher education having undertaken vocational qualifications. We will provide an opportunity to reflect on different factors which affect levelness and how to cha... Read More about A thematic approach to enhance transition between levels, for students with vocational qualifications..
LTEC Post-Festival Publication: Developing Authentic Practitioners “practice”, “identity”, “community”. (2024)
Journal Article
Our post-festival special edition publication is a collection of papers and audio poster from the University of Salford’s Learning and Teaching Festival 2023. The festival brought together Salford’s learning and teaching community with over 13... Read More about LTEC Post-Festival Publication: Developing Authentic Practitioners “practice”, “identity”, “community”..
Reaching Out and Shouting Loud: Capturing best practice in learning and teaching scholarly practice at The University of Salford. Innovative Practice in Higher Education. (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
This paper presents a panoramic view of the Institution's engagement with learning, teaching, and scholarly activities, shedding light on the critical mass of knowledge and initiatives that define contributions to the field of pedagogy. Findings reve... Read More about Reaching Out and Shouting Loud: Capturing best practice in learning and teaching scholarly practice at The University of Salford. Innovative Practice in Higher Education..
Flipping Failure: A case study on building resilience and confidence through 'Failureship Strategies' in theory and practice at the University of Salford. (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
This paper presents the Flipping Failure project, which aims to challenge the negative perception of failure and promote its benefits for building resilience, insight, and action. The project involved students and staff who participated in failure-fo... Read More about Flipping Failure: A case study on building resilience and confidence through 'Failureship Strategies' in theory and practice at the University of Salford..
The Records for Lincoln’s Jews in 1290 (2024)
Digital Artefact
Irwin, D. (2024). The Records for Lincoln’s Jews in 1290This piece provides an overview of the processes for the Expulsion, and the records that it generated at Lincoln.
Henry III and the Jews: Rex Simplex? (2024)
Presentation / Conference
Irwin, D. (2024, February). Henry III and the Jews: Rex Simplex?. Presented at Graduate Centre for Medieval Studies Seminar, University of Reading (online)This paper was an invited presentation at the University of Reading's Graduate Centre for Medieval Studies Seminar.
This paper considers Henry III's relations with, and treatment of, the Jews of medieval England. It moves away from treating Henry... Read More about Henry III and the Jews: Rex Simplex?.
What got me into History? (2024)
This was an invited submission to the Historical Association's 'HA News'. In addition to addressing the question posed in the title, I was also asked to reflect on my experiences as an Independent Scholar.
Jews and Labour in Medieval England: Episcopal Theory and Legislative Reality (2024)
Presentation / Conference
Irwin, D. (2024, January). Jews and Labour in Medieval England: Episcopal Theory and Legislative Reality. Paper presented at Religious Minorities and Labour: Towards a New Paradigm, Queen Mary University of LondonThis was an invited presentation to a workshop feeding into the MIREL project, which is exploring Religious Minorities and Labour Specialization.
My paper took, as it's starting point, Robert Grosseteste's letter to Margaret de Quincy (1231-2), an... Read More about Jews and Labour in Medieval England: Episcopal Theory and Legislative Reality.
"I don't have a lot of foreign friends": a buddy scheme enhances home and international student nurse experience (2024)
Brooks, E. (2024). "I don't have a lot of foreign friends": a buddy scheme enhances home and international student nurse experienceThis research aimed to learn more about student experience of participating in a buddy scheme established to provide support for international nursing students on a one-year programme. The buddy scheme matched new international students with home stu... Read More about "I don't have a lot of foreign friends": a buddy scheme enhances home and international student nurse experience.
Mesenchymal Stem Cells in the Pathogenesis and Therapy of Autoimmune and Autoinflammatory Diseases (2023)
Journal Article
Zaripova, L. N., Midgley, A., Christmas, S. E., Beresford, M. W., Pain, C., Baildam, E. M., & Oldershaw, R. A. (in press). Mesenchymal Stem Cells in the Pathogenesis and Therapy of Autoimmune and Autoinflammatory Diseases. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24(22), 16040. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms242216040Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) modulate immune responses and maintain self-tolerance. Their trophic activities and regenerative properties make them potential immunosuppressants for treating autoimmune and autoinflammatory diseases. MSCs are drawn to... Read More about Mesenchymal Stem Cells in the Pathogenesis and Therapy of Autoimmune and Autoinflammatory Diseases.
Feeling the Future at Christian End-Time Performances (2023)
Journal Article
Nield, D. (2023). Feeling the Future at Christian End-Time Performances. Contemporary Theatre Review, 33(4), 452-453. https://doi.org/10.1080/10486801.2023.2257973
Research Engagement Toolkit - Coordinating Engagement Activity At Salford 2023-24 (2023)
Sutton, E., & Williamson, D. (2023). Research Engagement Toolkit - Coordinating Engagement Activity At Salford 2023-24. University of SalfordThis booklet is Coordinating Engagement Activity at Salford. It combines a quick start guide to the principles and best practice around public & community engagement and provides information and details on ways in which diverse teams across the Unive... Read More about Research Engagement Toolkit - Coordinating Engagement Activity At Salford 2023-24.
Research Engagement Toolkit - Working With Government And Influencing Policy 2023-24 (2023)
Sutton, E. (2023). Research Engagement Toolkit - Working With Government And Influencing Policy 2023-24. University of SalfordThis booklet is Working with Government and Influencing Policy and provides further information and details on ways in which to engage with and influence policy makers and other key stakeholders to maximise the reach and significance of your research... Read More about Research Engagement Toolkit - Working With Government And Influencing Policy 2023-24.
Research Engagement Toolkit - Getting Started With Impact 2023-24 (2023)
Sutton, E. (2023). Research Engagement Toolkit - Getting Started With Impact 2023-24. University of SalfordThis booklet is Getting Started with Impact and provides further information and details on ways in which to embed real-world impact from the outset of your research projects to ensure maximum benefit to your publics and stakeholders.
Aims of thi... Read More about Research Engagement Toolkit - Getting Started With Impact 2023-24.
Conductive Biofilm Propolis-Based: Electrochemical Determination of Hydroxymethylfurfural in Honey (2023)
Journal Article
Honey samples have been widely evaluated regarding the presence of degradation products as an index quality control, for example, hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) in the presence of carbohydrates. The monitoring of HMF strategy can be a challenge; however... Read More about Conductive Biofilm Propolis-Based: Electrochemical Determination of Hydroxymethylfurfural in Honey.
Comprehensive evaluation of the foreign direct investment (FDI) opportunities in Iraq: the Karbala Cement Manufacturing Company as a case study (2023)
Journal Article
AL-Dahash, H. F. K., Mohammed, R. K., Al-Rubaye, M., & Hardman, M. (in press). Comprehensive evaluation of the foreign direct investment (FDI) opportunities in Iraq: the Karbala Cement Manufacturing Company as a case study. International Journal of Construction Management, 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1080/15623599.2023.2235877This paper explores the benefits of foreign direct investment (FDI) into the Karbala Cement Manufacturing Company (KCMC) as a case study. The benefits of FDI by the French company LAFARGE were measured by conducting a comparison before and after inve... Read More about Comprehensive evaluation of the foreign direct investment (FDI) opportunities in Iraq: the Karbala Cement Manufacturing Company as a case study.
International PGR Voices: Lived Experiences of Completing a Doctorate at the University of Salford (2023)
Presentation / Conference
Hardman, M., & Underwood, J. (2023, July). International PGR Voices: Lived Experiences of Completing a Doctorate at the University of Salford. Paper presented at UKCGE Annual Conference 2023, EdinburghCompleting a doctoral degree on time is an extremely important metric for the awarding institution, for sponsors, for the department, for the supervisor, and not least for the PGRs themselves. When the PGR is an international student with English as... Read More about International PGR Voices: Lived Experiences of Completing a Doctorate at the University of Salford.
The influences of communitarian philosophy in public policy: mapping the discourse of Scottish public library strategy (2023)
Journal Article
Paton, C., & McMenemy, D. (2023). The influences of communitarian philosophy in public policy: mapping the discourse of Scottish public library strategy. Journal of Documentation, https://doi.org/10.1108/jd-02-2023-0020Purpose (limit 100 words) This research investigates the presence of communitarian philosophy within contemporary Scottish public library strategy, exploring links between philosophy, politics, and practice. Design/methodology/approach (limit 100 wor... Read More about The influences of communitarian philosophy in public policy: mapping the discourse of Scottish public library strategy.
Social Hierarchies and Networks in the Thirteenth-Century London Jewry (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
The article revisits the social hierarchy of the medieval Anglo-Jewish community by focusing on the careers of two London Jews: Master Elias son of Master Moses (one of the majores) and Cresse son of Genta (one of the mediocres).