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All Outputs (113)

Analysing coalition warfare from the intra-alliance politics perspective : the Normandy campaign 1944 (2006)
Journal Article
Wilkins, T. (2006). Analysing coalition warfare from the intra-alliance politics perspective : the Normandy campaign 1944. Journal of Strategic Studies, 29(6), 1121-1150.

This article sets forth a framework for analysis designed to enhance our understanding of the political management of coalition warfare. The framework, based upon literature appertaining to 'intra-alliance politics' and International Relations (IR) t... Read More about Analysing coalition warfare from the intra-alliance politics perspective : the Normandy campaign 1944.

Characterising the Italian parliament: legislative change in longitudinal perspective (2006)
Journal Article
Newell, J. (2006). Characterising the Italian parliament: legislative change in longitudinal perspective. Journal of Legislative Studies, 12(3-4), 386-483.

Despite the emergence of a bipolar party system following the introduction of a new electoral law in 1993, the Italian parliament remains an exception to the rule that legislatures have little influence over policy. It was reasonable to think that pa... Read More about Characterising the Italian parliament: legislative change in longitudinal perspective.

Austen Chamberlain and Britain's relationship with France, 1924-1929 (2006)
Journal Article
Johnson, G. (2006). Austen Chamberlain and Britain's relationship with France, 1924-1929.

Several historians have suggested that Austen Chamberlain's Francophile tendencies during his period as foreign secretary between 1924 and 1929 were the defining features of his European diplomatic strategy. By examining four key events: the rejectio... Read More about Austen Chamberlain and Britain's relationship with France, 1924-1929.

Arabic morphology: diminutive verbs and diminutive nouns in San'ani Arabic (2006)
Journal Article
Watson, J. (2006). Arabic morphology: diminutive verbs and diminutive nouns in San'ani Arabic. Morphology, 16(2), 189-204.

Word formation in Arabic has traditionally been assumed to involve interdigitation of a consonantal root with a vocalic pattern. This view is adopted by a large number of modern generative morphologists. More recently, however, several morphologists... Read More about Arabic morphology: diminutive verbs and diminutive nouns in San'ani Arabic.

Integration in ERP environments: rhetoric, realities and organisational possibilities (2006)
Journal Article
Light, B., & Wagner, E. (2006). Integration in ERP environments: rhetoric, realities and organisational possibilities. New Technology, Work and Employment, 21(3), 215-228.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) packages are said to enable integration when the standard inscription is adhered to through software configuration. A social shaping perspective expands conceptualisations of ERP packages, enabling a view of them as... Read More about Integration in ERP environments: rhetoric, realities and organisational possibilities.

Coming together: and the future of television (2006)
Journal Article
Palmer, G. (2006). Coming together: and the future of television. Journal of Media Practice, 7(2), 109-121.

I begin with a very brief discussion of how the meaning of interactive television has developed over the past 20 years. I then consider the ways in which communities have usually been represented in television utilising old models of interactivity th... Read More about Coming together: and the future of television.

Description (2006)
Book Chapter
Hurley, U. (2006). Description. In R. Graham (Ed.), How to Write Fiction (And Think About It). Palgrave Macmillan

Connected exceptives and nonmonotonic inference (2006)
Presentation / Conference
Garcia-Alvarez, I. (2006, October). Connected exceptives and nonmonotonic inference. Presented at 34th Western Conference on Linguistics (WECOL) 2006, California State University, Fresno, California, USA

Divisions of labour: the analysis of parentheticals (2006)
Journal Article
Blakemore, D. (2006). Divisions of labour: the analysis of parentheticals. Lingua, 116(10), 1670-1687.

The term ‘parenthetical’ covers a disparate range of phenomena only some of which have been regarded as falling within the domain of syntax. However, it has been argued by Haegeman (1988) that adverbial parenthetical clauses, which have been treated... Read More about Divisions of labour: the analysis of parentheticals.

Design, poverty and sustainable development (2006)
Journal Article
Thomas, A. (2006). Design, poverty and sustainable development. Design Issues, 22(4), 54-65.

Design in a poor context, or for the alleviation of poverty, has received little or no attention. An informal discourse analysis shows that design and poverty have not been linked, the two being seen as mutually exclusive. This paper aims to examine... Read More about Design, poverty and sustainable development.

Methods for Studying Family Visitors in Art Museums: A cross-disciplinary review of current research (2006)
Journal Article
Sterry, P., & Beaumont, E. (2006). Methods for Studying Family Visitors in Art Museums: A cross-disciplinary review of current research. Museum Management and Curatorship, 21(3), 222-239.

This paper examines current trends in family studies research, details the methodological and topical perspectives that are emerging, and reflects on how these findings could be integrated to provide a more coherent approach to researching the leisur... Read More about Methods for Studying Family Visitors in Art Museums: A cross-disciplinary review of current research.

The Italian election of 2006: myths and realities (2006)
Journal Article
Newell, J. (2006). The Italian election of 2006: myths and realities. West European Politics, 29(4), 802-813.

The general election of 9 and 10 April was one of the closest fought in Italy’s history. In the Chamber of Deputies, the centre-left Unione coalition emerged
ahead of the centre-right Casa delle liberta` (House of Freedoms, Cdl) by just 24,755 votes... Read More about The Italian election of 2006: myths and realities.

European policies and domestic reform : a case study of structural fund management in Italy (2006)
Journal Article
Baudner, J., & Bull, M. (2006). European policies and domestic reform : a case study of structural fund management in Italy. Journal of Southern Europe and the Balkans (Print), 7(3), 299-314.

There has been a conspicuous impact of European Union (EU) policies in Italy, and the so-called ‘Europeanization’ of Italian public policies has consequently become a salient research topic. One such public policy area concerns the
decentralization... Read More about European policies and domestic reform : a case study of structural fund management in Italy.