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All Outputs (15)

Omani crafts as an expression of culture and heritage : an investigation of Omani craft and pottery challenges (2012)

The doctoral project has for main purpose to investigate the challenges facing the
traditional craft enterprises in Oman and to develop a framework for understanding and
managing the cultural, artistic, marketing and consumption influences that aff... Read More about Omani crafts as an expression of culture and heritage : an investigation of Omani craft and pottery challenges.

The Trojan Horse(s) of "Hello World" culture : the story of Sony PSP domestication through the eyes of the Homebrew users (2012)

Technology that is released to the public is often "locked down" or "tethered" ready for
domestication by the regular user in the way that the manufacturer believes that it will be used
(Zittrain, 2007). However, when users such as the hacker users... Read More about The Trojan Horse(s) of "Hello World" culture : the story of Sony PSP domestication through the eyes of the Homebrew users.

Norms of subtitling taboo language and the role of censorship in Jordan : a case study of the Arabic subtitling of 'Friends' (2012)

This study, which draws on norm theory (Toury, 1995; 1999), investigates the
translation norms in subtitling taboo language (moral, religious and political) in
Jordanian Television and Institution B's Arabic subtitles of the American sitcom
Friend... Read More about Norms of subtitling taboo language and the role of censorship in Jordan : a case study of the Arabic subtitling of 'Friends'.

Understanding the transnational and the domestic : the case of the neoliberal restructuring in Chile, 1973-1989 (2012)

The thesis makes a contribution to a body of flourishing globalisation literature, which
examines the role of transnational forces and processes in changes of domestic
economic policy and the nature of regime, and which is associated with a broad a... Read More about Understanding the transnational and the domestic : the case of the neoliberal restructuring in Chile, 1973-1989.