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Now you see me... (2016)
Cavanagh, A., & Croughan, C. (2016). Now you see me..

A report discussing the development of a series of film resources for use in undergraduate nurse education

Greater Manchester green deal communities programme scheme exit paper (2016)
Sherriff, G., & Swan, W. (2016). Greater Manchester green deal communities programme scheme exit paper

The report provides GM Local Authorities with an update on the Greater Manchester Green Deal Communities Programme and with relevant reference details for post programme.

What evidence is there to support the employment of trained and professionally registered library, information and knowledge workers? A systematic scoping review of the evidence (2016)
Brettle, A., & Maden, M. (2016). What evidence is there to support the employment of trained and professionally registered library, information and knowledge workers? A systematic scoping review of the evidence

This report seeks to provide evidence that CILIP can use to advocate on behalf of the information professions.
The report addresses three aims:
1. To create an initial evidence base which can be used to advocate on behalf of the information profes... Read More about What evidence is there to support the employment of trained and professionally registered library, information and knowledge workers? A systematic scoping review of the evidence.

‘I was frightened to put the heating on.’ Evaluating the Changes4Warmth approach to cold homes and mental health (2016)
Sherriff, G. (2016). ‘I was frightened to put the heating on.’ Evaluating the Changes4Warmth approach to cold homes and mental health

Beat the Cold is currently delivering Changes4Warmth, a Big Lottery funded project in partnership with Changes Health and Wellbeing. It aims to address the fuel poverty of people with mental health needs through offering assistance to mental health s... Read More about ‘I was frightened to put the heating on.’ Evaluating the Changes4Warmth approach to cold homes and mental health.

CareFlex HydroTilit, SmartSeat, and SmartSeatPro: evaluation of pressure and comfort (2016)
Bartley, C., & Stephens, M. (2016). CareFlex HydroTilit, SmartSeat, and SmartSeatPro: evaluation of pressure and comfort

The purpose of this study was to explore the use of WaterCell Technology® in the redistribution of pressure of adults with mobility problems who remain seated for extended periods of time and self-reported comfort and discomfort scores using three ch... Read More about CareFlex HydroTilit, SmartSeat, and SmartSeatPro: evaluation of pressure and comfort.

Scoping the development of a critical employment pathway for IOM Offenders in County Durham and Darlington (2015)
Irving, A., Soppitt, S., Rowe, M., & Lilley, S. (2015). Scoping the development of a critical employment pathway for IOM Offenders in County Durham and Darlington. Institute for Local Government

In summer 2014, Northumbria University was commissioned by the Institute for Local
Government (ILG), on behalf of Durham Constabulary, to review evidence regarding the
relationship between employment and desistance and explore employment support fo... Read More about Scoping the development of a critical employment pathway for IOM Offenders in County Durham and Darlington.

Engaging residents in regeneration: Lessons from Pendleton (2015)
Sherriff, G., Brown, J., Clark, A., & Brown, P. (2015). Engaging residents in regeneration: Lessons from Pendleton

A wide-ranging urban regeneration programme is taking place in the Pendleton area of Salford. A substantial element of this work entails the refurbishment and retrofit of existing, tenanted properties. Flats and houses have been subject to kitchen a... Read More about Engaging residents in regeneration: Lessons from Pendleton.

Evaluation of the Positive Pathways Programme for Northumbria Community Rehabilitation Company (2015)
Irving, A., Rowe, M., Soppitt, S., & Liley, S. (2015). Evaluation of the Positive Pathways Programme for Northumbria Community Rehabilitation Company. Northumbria Probation Trust

Positive Pathways (PP) – a new strengths-based model of desistance – was introduced within
Northumbria CRC in June 2014. It commenced with a three-day staff training programme, which
over 124 practitioners have completed.

A whole city response to the use of Novel Psychoactive Substances (NPS) by young people in Newcastle-upon-Tyne (2015)
Irving, A., Parker, C., & Soppitt, S. (2015). A whole city response to the use of Novel Psychoactive Substances (NPS) by young people in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Newcastle City Council

In recent years, Novel Psychoactive Substances (NPS) (otherwise known as ‘legal highs’) have posed an
increasingly significant problem for practitioners and policy makers due to their widespread availability,
largely unknown chemical composition an... Read More about A whole city response to the use of Novel Psychoactive Substances (NPS) by young people in Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

An evaluation of the British Red Cross’ Educational Pilot Project for young people serving reparation orders (2015)
Irving, A., Dresser, P., & Soppitt, S. (2015). An evaluation of the British Red Cross’ Educational Pilot Project for young people serving reparation orders. British Red Cross

Using Newcastle Youth Offending Team (YOT) as a case-study, this report presents
the findings of the evaluation of the British Red Cross (BRC) Educational Pilot Project
(EPP) for service users serving reparation as part of Community Orders.

Benefit sanctions and homelessness : a report by the North East Homelessness Think Tank (2015)
Irving, A., & Harding, J. (2015). Benefit sanctions and homelessness : a report by the North East Homelessness Think Tank. Northern Rock Foundation

The election of a Conservative government in May 2015, with a commitment to cutting welfare benefits for people of
working age, has heightened concerns over the process by which people are sanctioned (i.e. have their benefits reduced
or stopped com... Read More about Benefit sanctions and homelessness : a report by the North East Homelessness Think Tank.

Destination integration : Third Country Nationals in the north of England (summary report) (2015)
Ahmed, A., Brown, P., Duda-Mikulin, E., Martin, P., & Scullion, L. (2015). Destination integration : Third Country Nationals in the north of England (summary report)

Integration Up North research is part of a wider project led by Migration Yorkshire (the regional migration partnership for Yorkshire and the Humber region), which aims to gain a better understanding of Third Country Nationals' (TCN) integration expe... Read More about Destination integration : Third Country Nationals in the north of England (summary report).

Destination integration : Third country nationals in the north of England [final report] (2015)
Ahmed, A., Brown, P., Duda-Mikulin, E., Martin, P., & Scullion, L. (2015). Destination integration : Third country nationals in the north of England [final report]

Integration Up North research is part of a wider project led by Migration Yorkshire (the regional migration partnership for Yorkshire and the Humber region), which aims to gain a better understanding of Third Country Nationals' (TCN) integration expe... Read More about Destination integration : Third country nationals in the north of England [final report].

The Ormskirk night-time economy project : exploring positives and negatives of a Lancashire town's NTE (2015)
Moore, K., & Kirby, S. (2015). The Ormskirk night-time economy project : exploring positives and negatives of a Lancashire town's NTE

During November 2014, West Lancashire Borough Council (WLBC) commissioned Lancaster University (LU) to undertake a scoping study. The aim was to “conduct independent research to assist them in developing a better understanding of the positive and neg... Read More about The Ormskirk night-time economy project : exploring positives and negatives of a Lancashire town's NTE.

Rights, responsibilities and redress? Research on policy and practice for Roma inclusion in ten Member States (2015)
Brown, P., Dwyer, P., Martin, P., Scullion, L., & Turley, H. (2015). Rights, responsibilities and redress? Research on policy and practice for Roma inclusion in ten Member States

Roma MATRIX (Mutual Action Targeting Racism,
Intolerance and Xenophobia) was a two year
project (2013-2015) co-funded by the European
Union’s Fundamental Rights and Citizenship
Programme. The project involved ten European
Member States (Bulgaria... Read More about Rights, responsibilities and redress? Research on policy and practice for Roma inclusion in ten Member States.