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All Outputs (294)

The effects of orthotics on the sensori-motor problems of the foot and ankle after stroke (2011)
Sadeghi Demneh, E. The effects of orthotics on the sensori-motor problems of the foot and ankle after stroke. (Thesis). University of Salford

The foot and ankle forms the interface between the body and ground hence stroke related changes impact on mobility but there is little research has considered the foot and ankle post-stroke. This thesis bridges these knowledge gaps to enable clinical... Read More about The effects of orthotics on the sensori-motor problems of the foot and ankle after stroke.

The experiences of deaf people on becoming and being qualified mental health nurses : a narrative exploration (2011)

Historically Deaf people have been denied access to professional nurse education due to communication and ideological barriers. The aim of the research was to understand the experiences of the first Deaf qualified nurses before they entered the Pre-r... Read More about The experiences of deaf people on becoming and being qualified mental health nurses : a narrative exploration.

An ethnographic study of the culture in a diagnostic imaging department (2011)
Strudwick, R. An ethnographic study of the culture in a diagnostic imaging department. (Thesis). University of Salford

The aim of this study was to explore the culture in a Diagnostic Imaging Department (DID) with the primary focus on Diagnostic Radiographers (DRs).
The objectives were to describe the culture in a DID and highlight the current workplace cultural iss... Read More about An ethnographic study of the culture in a diagnostic imaging department.

An investigation in congenital transmission of Toxoplasma gondii as a potential mode of transmission in mice and humans (2011)

Toxoplasma gondii is a pathogenic Apicomplexan parasite with a worldwide
distribution in almost all warm blooded animals. The parasite is transmitted to hosts in
three ways; via oocysts that are passed from the definitive host the cat; by the... Read More about An investigation in congenital transmission of Toxoplasma gondii as a potential mode of transmission in mice and humans.

Bouncing back? An ethnographic study exploring the context of care and recovery after birth through the experiences and voices of mothers (2011)

There is an increasing evidence base concerning the need for effective and timely postnatal care to prevent physical and physiological maternal and infant morbidity, but there is little evidence of women's experiences of postnatal care o... Read More about Bouncing back? An ethnographic study exploring the context of care and recovery after birth through the experiences and voices of mothers.

A naturalistic controlled study of relapsing schizophrenic patients with tardive dyskinesia and supersensitivity psychosis (2011)
Journal Article
Fallon, P., & Dursun, S. M. (2011). A naturalistic controlled study of relapsing schizophrenic patients with tardive dyskinesia and supersensitivity psychosis. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 25(6), 755-762.

Despite advances in treatments, relapses in schizophrenia still occur. The causes of relapse are not always apparent, especially for patients that are compliant with medication. One possibility is that the brain adapts to long-term antipsychotic drug... Read More about A naturalistic controlled study of relapsing schizophrenic patients with tardive dyskinesia and supersensitivity psychosis.

Innovation in public health care: Diabetes education in the UK (2011)
Book Chapter
Fairhurst, E. (2011). Innovation in public health care: Diabetes education in the UK. In F. Gallouj, & F. Djellal (Eds.), The Handbook of Innovation and Services: A Multi-disciplinary Perspective (129-152). Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd

Eudaimonic well-being: Its importance and relevance to occupational therapy for humanity (2011)
Journal Article
Hayward, C., & Taylor, J. (2011). Eudaimonic well-being: Its importance and relevance to occupational therapy for humanity. Occupational Therapy International, 18, 133-141.

Contemporary critique of the philosophy and theory of occupational therapy has asserted that the mainstream of the profession holds a westernized view of the world and that occupational therapy has been shackled to notions of health/illness and the m... Read More about Eudaimonic well-being: Its importance and relevance to occupational therapy for humanity.

Case study research methodology (2011)
Journal Article
Widdowson, M. (2011). Case study research methodology. International Journal of Transactional Analysis Research, 2(1), 25-34

Commenting on the lack of case studies published in modern psychotherapy publications, the author reviews the strengths of case study methodology and responds to common criticisms, before providing a summary of types of case studies including clinica... Read More about Case study research methodology.

Motivational interviewing: A useful approach to improving cardiovascular health? (2011)
Journal Article
Thompson, D., Chair, S., Chan, S., Astin, F., Davidson, P., & Ski, C. (2011). Motivational interviewing: A useful approach to improving cardiovascular health?. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 20(9-10), 1236-1244.

Aim.  To review and synthesise, systematically, the research findings regarding motivational interviewing and to inform education, research and practice in relation to cardiovascular health.

Background.  Motivational interviewing is designed to en... Read More about Motivational interviewing: A useful approach to improving cardiovascular health?.

Michel de Certeau (2011)
Book Chapter

The three-volume Encyclopedia of Consumer Culture covers consuming societies around the world, from the Age of Enlightenment to the present, and shows how consumption has become intrinsic to the world’s social, economic, political, and cultural lands... Read More about Michel de Certeau.

Fans (2011)
Book Chapter

Click trains and the rate of information processing: Does “speeding up” subjective time make other psychological processes run faster? (2011)
Journal Article
Jones, L., Allely, C., & Wearden, J. (2011). Click trains and the rate of information processing: Does “speeding up” subjective time make other psychological processes run faster?. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 64(2), 363-380.

A series of experiments demonstrated that a 5-s train of clicks that have been shown in previous
studies to increase the subjective duration of tones they precede (in a manner consistent with “speeding
up” timing processes) could also have an effec... Read More about Click trains and the rate of information processing: Does “speeding up” subjective time make other psychological processes run faster?.

Scanning behaviour in natural scenes is influenced by a preceding unrelated visual search task (2011)
Journal Article
Thompson, C., & Crundall, D. (2011). Scanning behaviour in natural scenes is influenced by a preceding unrelated visual search task. Perception, 40(11), 1335-1349.

Three experiments explored the transference of visual scanning behaviour between two unrelated tasks. Participants first viewed letters presented horizontally, vertically, or as a random array. They then viewed still images (experiments 1 and 2) or v... Read More about Scanning behaviour in natural scenes is influenced by a preceding unrelated visual search task.

Between hate and vulnerability : Unpacking the British criminal justice system's construction of disablist hate crime (2011)
Journal Article
Roulstone, A., Thomas, P., & Balderston, S. (2011). Between hate and vulnerability : Unpacking the British criminal justice system's construction of disablist hate crime. Disability and Society, 26(3), 351-364.

Hate crime is now an established term in the fields of racist and religious attacks and is acknowledged in the cultural proscription against attacks on lesbian, gay,
bisexual and transgender men and women. Disabled people, as so often is the case, a... Read More about Between hate and vulnerability : Unpacking the British criminal justice system's construction of disablist hate crime.