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All Outputs (423)

A novel image enhancement methodology for full field digital mammography (2014)
Book Chapter
He, W., Kibiro, M., Juette, A., Denton, E., Hogg, P., & Zwiggelaar, R. (2014). A novel image enhancement methodology for full field digital mammography. In Breast Imaging : 12th International Workshop, IWDM 2014, Gifu City, Japan, June 29 – July 2, 2014. Proceedings (650-657). Springer International Publishing.

During breast screening it is necessary and essential to compress the breast with a compression paddle, in order to obtain a clear mammographic image. The quality of the image has a direct correlation with the accuracy of mammogram reading, which in... Read More about A novel image enhancement methodology for full field digital mammography.

A narrative literature review of the therapeutic effects of music upon childbearing women and neonates (2014)
Journal Article
Hollins Martin, C. (2014). A narrative literature review of the therapeutic effects of music upon childbearing women and neonates. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 20(4), 262-267.

Therapeutic effects of music are well recognised within the literature, with benefits for a variety of health problems documented. This narrative review summarises benefits in terms of reducing stress, anxiety, labour pain and depression in childbear... Read More about A narrative literature review of the therapeutic effects of music upon childbearing women and neonates.

Returning to work after long term sickness absence due to low back pain - the struggle within: A qualitative study of the patient's experience (2014)
Journal Article
Ryan, C., Lauchlan, D., Rooney, L., Hollins-Martin, C., & Gray, H. (2014). Returning to work after long term sickness absence due to low back pain - the struggle within: A qualitative study of the patient's experience. WORK, 49(3), 433-444.

BACKGROUND: Low back pain (LBP) is a major cause of work absence. Assisting individuals back into work is an important part of rehabilitation. OBJECTIVE: To explore the experiences of individuals returning to work after an episode of sickness absence... Read More about Returning to work after long term sickness absence due to low back pain - the struggle within: A qualitative study of the patient's experience.

The effect of hip abductor muscle fatigue on frontal plane knee projection angle during step landing (2014)
Journal Article
Herrington, L., & Ambegaonkar, J. (2014). The effect of hip abductor muscle fatigue on frontal plane knee projection angle during step landing. International Journal of Athletic Therapy and Training, 19(4), 38-43.


A number of acute and overuse knee pathologies share a mechanism involving a poor dynamic alignment of the limb creating increased stress in the tissues. Inappropriate execution of a correct strategy during landing has been suggested to i... Read More about The effect of hip abductor muscle fatigue on frontal plane knee projection angle during step landing.

Putting patients first [Editorial] (2014)
Journal Article
Nightingale, J. (2014). Putting patients first [Editorial]. Radiography, 20(3), 177.

Influence of orthotic gait training with powered hip orthosis on walking in paraplegic patients (2014)
Journal Article
Arazpour, M., Bani, M., Hutchins, S., Curran, S., Javanshir, M., & Mousavi, M. (2014). Influence of orthotic gait training with powered hip orthosis on walking in paraplegic patients. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 9(3), 226-230.

Objectives: Gait training has been shown to improve the walking performance of spinal cord-injured (SCI) patients. The use of powered hip orthoses (PHO) during gait training is one approach which could potentially improve rehabilitative outcomes for... Read More about Influence of orthotic gait training with powered hip orthosis on walking in paraplegic patients.

Fathers’ emotional work deserves more attention from health professionals (2014)
Journal Article
Barnard, M. (2014). Fathers’ emotional work deserves more attention from health professionals. Nursing Children and Young People, 26(5), 13-13.

Qualitative research exploring parents’ experiences in the neonatal setting often focuses primarily on the mother and fathers’ voices are often under-reported. How fatherhood is understood and nurtured in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) can dep... Read More about Fathers’ emotional work deserves more attention from health professionals.

The time of our lives : understanding irreversible complex user experiences (2014)
Journal Article
Kreps, D. (2014). The time of our lives : understanding irreversible complex user experiences. The future of identity in the information society : 4th IFIP WG 9.2, 9.6, 11.6, 11.7/Fidis International Summer School, Brno, Czech Republic, September 1-7, 2008, revised selected papers / Vashek Matyáš ... [et al.] (eds.), 431, 47-56.

The science of complexity has been introduced to Information Systems (IS) but thus far with seemingly little impact. This paper argues that its application can be located in the burgeoning field of User Experience (UX) in digital business practice. B... Read More about The time of our lives : understanding irreversible complex user experiences.

System dynamics modelling and its implications for childhood obesity prevention: evidence from improving the consumption of portion size and meal frequency (2014)
Journal Article
Abidin, N., Mamat, M., Izham, T., Dangerfield, B., & Baten, M. (2014). System dynamics modelling and its implications for childhood obesity prevention: evidence from improving the consumption of portion size and meal frequency. Applied Mathematical Sciences, 8, 3283-3296.

The childhood obesity has rapidly increased, though little is known about the
impact of frequency of meals and portion size on weight and obesity. The
objective of this study is to compare and to determine the effective strategy for
obesity preven... Read More about System dynamics modelling and its implications for childhood obesity prevention: evidence from improving the consumption of portion size and meal frequency.

I would give up… Tim Hope, Chris Stanley, Tracey McMahon, Ben Bowling, J M Moore and Jordan Beaumont offer their choices of what they would dispense of in the criminal justice system (2014)
Journal Article
Hope, T., Stanley, C., McMahon, T., Bowling, B., Moore, J., & Beaumont, J. (2014). I would give up… Tim Hope, Chris Stanley, Tracey McMahon, Ben Bowling, J M Moore and Jordan Beaumont offer their choices of what they would dispense of in the criminal justice system. Criminal Justice Matters, 96(1), 14-17.

As part of our Justice Matters initiative we are challenging people to think about a criminal justice practice, policy or institution to abolish or abstain from, here contributors offer their choices....

The Araz medial linkage orthosis - a new orthosis for walking in patients with spinal cord injury : a single patient study (2014)
Journal Article
Arazpour, M., Bani, M., Hutchins, S., & Sayyadfar, M. (2014). The Araz medial linkage orthosis - a new orthosis for walking in patients with spinal cord injury : a single patient study. Prosthetics and Orthotics International, 38(2), 155-159.

Background: This article describes the development and evaluation of a new medial linkage orthosis to potentially assist paraplegic patients to ambulate.

Case description and methods: The orthosis was initially designed using the solid works pr... Read More about The Araz medial linkage orthosis - a new orthosis for walking in patients with spinal cord injury : a single patient study.

Human activity classification using a single accelerometer (2014)
Book Chapter
AlZubi, H., Gerrard-Longworth, S., Al-Nuaimy, W., Goulermas, Y., & Preece, S. (2014). Human activity classification using a single accelerometer. In 2014 14th UK Workshop on Computational Intelligence (UKCI) (1-6). IEEE.

Human activity recognition is an area of growing interest facilitated by the current revolution in body-worn sensors. Activity recognition allows applications to construct activity profiles for each subject which could be used effectively for healthc... Read More about Human activity classification using a single accelerometer.

The spectrum of children's palliative care needs : a classification framework for children with life-limiting or life-threatening conditions (2014)
Journal Article
Shaw, K., Brook, L., Mpundu-Kaambwa, C., Harris, N., Lapwood, S., & Randall, D. (2014). The spectrum of children's palliative care needs : a classification framework for children with life-limiting or life-threatening conditions. BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care, 5(3), 249-258.

Objectives This paper examined the potential of a new classification framework, The Spectrum of Children's Palliative Care Needs, to facilitate identification of children with palliative care needs for the purposes of minimum data set collection and... Read More about The spectrum of children's palliative care needs : a classification framework for children with life-limiting or life-threatening conditions.

Observations on silence in telephone delivered cognitive behavioural therapy (T-CBT) (2014)
Journal Article
Chatwin, J., Bee, P., Macfarlane, G., & Lovell, K. (2014). Observations on silence in telephone delivered cognitive behavioural therapy (T-CBT). Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice, 11(1),

In psychotherapy and counselling, and many other institutional settings, the occurrence and interactionally derived meaning of pauses and silence have an array of implications over and above those of ‘everyday’ interaction. In this study we utilised... Read More about Observations on silence in telephone delivered cognitive behavioural therapy (T-CBT).

The role of the nurse lecturer situated within a practice-education partnership (2014)
Journal Article
Leigh, J. (2014). The role of the nurse lecturer situated within a practice-education partnership. International journal of practice-based learning in health and social care, 2(1), 122-141.

Aims and Objectives: To critically explore the nurse lecturers role situated within a practice–education partnership and to identify practice recommendations to operate the role within the context of a partnership in the future.
Background: Practic... Read More about The role of the nurse lecturer situated within a practice-education partnership.