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Understanding energy justice through lived experiences in Zimbabwe (2023)
Bentley, M. (2023). Understanding energy justice through lived experiences in Zimbabwe. (Thesis). University of Salford

The study aims to understand energy justice through the lived experiences
of householders from Harare Metropolitan Province. In addition, the study
further explores the energy services and drivers of energy poverty rarely
accounted for within ener... Read More about Understanding energy justice through lived experiences in Zimbabwe.

Ditch Age Assessments: Children Seeking Asylum and Refuge in the UK (2023)
AG, R., Enver, S., Elizabeth, C., Elizabeth, F., Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, & Council, R. (2023). Ditch Age Assessments: Children Seeking Asylum and Refuge in the UK

The Home Office’s latest age assessment measures, announced in September 2023, will allow the use of scientific age assessment methods to estimate the age of children arriving in the UK. This would subject them to medical procedures that leading paed... Read More about Ditch Age Assessments: Children Seeking Asylum and Refuge in the UK.

Exercise instructors are not consistently implementing the strength component of the UK chief medical officers’ physical activity guidelines in their exercise prescription for older adults (2023)
Journal Article
Gluchowski, A., Bilsborough, H., McDermott, J., Hawley-Hague, H., & Todd, C. (2023). Exercise instructors are not consistently implementing the strength component of the UK chief medical officers’ physical activity guidelines in their exercise prescription for older adults. BMC Public Health, 23(1), 2432.

Strength training recommendations have been embedded within the UK’s Chief Medical Officers’ physical activity guidelines since 2011. There is limited evidence that these recommendations are used by exercise instructors in the community to underpin s... Read More about Exercise instructors are not consistently implementing the strength component of the UK chief medical officers’ physical activity guidelines in their exercise prescription for older adults.

Clinimetrics of the Lanarkshire Oximetry Index for patients with leg ulcers: A systematic review and meta‐analysis (2023)
Journal Article
Wynn, M., Stephens, M., Pradeep, S., Clarke‐Cornwell, A. M., & Bianchi, J. (in press). Clinimetrics of the Lanarkshire Oximetry Index for patients with leg ulcers: A systematic review and meta‐analysis. International Wound Journal,

Ankle Brachial Pressure Index (ABPI) measurement has long been considered the gold standard of vascular assessment for people with lower limb ulceration. Despite this, only around 15% of patients in the United Kingdom who require an ABPI measurement... Read More about Clinimetrics of the Lanarkshire Oximetry Index for patients with leg ulcers: A systematic review and meta‐analysis.

Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on services for patients with chronic kidney disease: findings of a national survey of UK kidney centres (2023)
Journal Article
Mackintosh, L., Busby, A., Farrington, K., Hawkins, J., Afuwape, S., Bristow, P., …Chilcot, J. (2023). Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on services for patients with chronic kidney disease: findings of a national survey of UK kidney centres. BMC Nephrology, 24(1), 356.

Background: Services for patients with kidney disease underwent radical adaptations in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. We undertook an online national survey of UK kidney centres to understand the nature, range, and degree of variation in these ch... Read More about Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on services for patients with chronic kidney disease: findings of a national survey of UK kidney centres.

FGM – health, law, education and sustainable goals through upstream and downstream approaches (2023)
Book Chapter
Gerry QC, F., Rowland, A., Proudman, C., Home, J., & Ali, H. (2023). FGM – health, law, education and sustainable goals through upstream and downstream approaches. In R. Jesmin (Ed.), The Routledge International Handbook of Harmful Cultural Practices. Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Routledge.

This chapter takes a health law and education perspective through consideration of two
significant projects. Firstly, one-to-one interviews with FGM survivors as part of a PhD thesis and
secondly, a community FGM education project. It is based on a... Read More about FGM – health, law, education and sustainable goals through upstream and downstream approaches.

An interview with Dr Michael Larkin (2023)
Journal Article
Larkin, M., Amos, I., & Williams, S. (2023). An interview with Dr Michael Larkin. #Journal not on list, QMiP Bulletin(36), 6-14.

Michael Larkin is a Reader in the School of Psychology at Aston University and is perhaps best known for his
contribution to the development of Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Michael, along with co-authors
Jonathan Smith and Paul Flowe... Read More about An interview with Dr Michael Larkin.

Prescribing cascades (2023)
Journal Article
Robertson, D. (2023). Prescribing cascades. Journal of Prescribing Practice, 5(12), 498-499.

Deborah Robertson provides an overview of recently published articles that may be of interest to non-medical prescribers. Should you wish to look at any of the papers in more detail, a full reference is provided

Response To Mandatory Reporting of Child Sexual Abuse Consultation (Two) - November 2023 (2023)
Rowland, A., Fussey, E., & College of Paediatrics and Child Health, R. (2023). Response To Mandatory Reporting of Child Sexual Abuse Consultation (Two) - November 2023. London: Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health

In November 2023, we responded to the Government's consultation on the introduction of Mandatory Reporting of Child Sexual Abuse. This followed our response in August 2023 to the Government's call for evidence on Mandatory Reporting. We were disappoi... Read More about Response To Mandatory Reporting of Child Sexual Abuse Consultation (Two) - November 2023.

The Kneeling Isometric Plantar Flexor Test: Preliminary Reliability and Feasibility in Professional Youth Football (2023)
Journal Article
McMahon, J. J., Ripley, N. J., Comfort, P., Robles-Palazón, F. J., Fahey, J. T., Badby, A. J., & Bramah, C. (2023). The Kneeling Isometric Plantar Flexor Test: Preliminary Reliability and Feasibility in Professional Youth Football. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology, 8(4), 164.

Calf injuries are common in professional football; thus, the establishment of reliable and time-efficient methods of measuring the peak force capabilities of the plantar flexors with equipment that is accessible to football practitioners is valuable.... Read More about The Kneeling Isometric Plantar Flexor Test: Preliminary Reliability and Feasibility in Professional Youth Football.

Participant and workplace champion experiences of an intervention designed to reduce sitting time in desk-based workers: SMART work & life (2023)
Journal Article
Edwardson, C. L., Maylor, B. D., Biddle, S. J. H., Clarke-Cornwell, A. M., Clemes, S. A., Davies, M. J., …Eborall, H. (in press). Participant and workplace champion experiences of an intervention designed to reduce sitting time in desk-based workers: SMART work & life. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 20(1), 142.

Background: A cluster randomised controlled trial demonstrated the effectiveness of the SMART Work & Life (SWAL) behaviour change intervention, with and without a height-adjustable desk, for reducing sitting time in desk-based workers. Staff within o... Read More about Participant and workplace champion experiences of an intervention designed to reduce sitting time in desk-based workers: SMART work & life.

Influencing policy and practice through social science research evidence (2023)
Book Chapter
Scullion, L., Beck, D., Jones, K., Connors, C., Martin, P., Gibbons, A., & Hynes, C. (2023). Influencing policy and practice through social science research evidence. In C. Moraes, M. McEachern, & D. O'Loughlin (Eds.), Researching Poverty and Austerity: Theoretical approaches, methodologies and policy applications. Routledge

In this chapter, we contribute to debates about how social science research can influence policy and practice. We draw upon our own experiences as social policy researchers whose work focuses on poverty and social security to provide case studies of... Read More about Influencing policy and practice through social science research evidence.

Reflecting on Paraliminality as a Theoretical Lens to Understand Experiences of Food Insecurity (2023)
Book Chapter
Moraes, C., McEachern, M. G., Scullion, L., & Gibbons, A. (2023). Reflecting on Paraliminality as a Theoretical Lens to Understand Experiences of Food Insecurity. In C. Moraes, M. McEachern, & D. O'Loughlin (Eds.), Researching Poverty and Austerity: Theoretical Approaches, Methodologies and Policy Applications. Routledge

In this chapter we reflect on how theoretical perspectives, such as liminality, can be useful for researchers seeking to understand and alleviate lived experiences of poverty. We draw on how we deployed liminality theory in a recently published paper... Read More about Reflecting on Paraliminality as a Theoretical Lens to Understand Experiences of Food Insecurity.

Influencing policy and practice through social science research evidence (2023)
Book Chapter
Scullion, L., Beck, D., Jones, K., Connors, C., Martin, P., Gibbons, A., & Hynes, C. (2023). Influencing policy and practice through social science research evidence. In C. Moraes, M. McEachern, & D. O'Loughlin (Eds.), Researching Poverty and Austerity: Theoretical Approaches, Methodologies and Policy Applications. Routledge

In this chapter, we contribute to debates about how social science research can influence policy and practice. We draw upon our own experiences as social policy researchers whose work focuses on poverty and social security to provide case studies of... Read More about Influencing policy and practice through social science research evidence.

How do we pay for it? A beginner's guide to basic income costing (2023)
Frayne, D., & Goodman, C. (2023). How do we pay for it? A beginner's guide to basic income costing. Autonomy

To begin our new ‘Basic Income Briefings’ series, we tackle how to go about costing a basic income – and avoid some of the most common errors.

Key points:

It is not the gross cost of a basic income that matters, but the net cost. If you want to... Read More about How do we pay for it? A beginner's guide to basic income costing.

Co-Modifying Diversity in Higher Education (2023)
Presentation / Conference
Oforji, C., & Lord, D. K. (2023, November). Co-Modifying Diversity in Higher Education. Presented at Education, Migration and Identity, Queen Margaret University

It is taken as a writ that social and cultural diversity is a good, in and of itself, and something for which education and education research must embrace. As former international students become immigrants become public sector employees in Europe,... Read More about Co-Modifying Diversity in Higher Education.

Primacy of mouth over eyes to perceive audiovisual Mandarin lexical tones (2023)
Journal Article
Zeng, B., Yu, G., Hasshim, N., & Hong, S. (2023). Primacy of mouth over eyes to perceive audiovisual Mandarin lexical tones. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 16(4),

The visual cues of lexical tones are more implicit and much less investigated than consonants and vowels, and it is still unclear what facial areas contribute to facial tones identification. This study investigated Chinese and English speakers’ eye m... Read More about Primacy of mouth over eyes to perceive audiovisual Mandarin lexical tones.