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Anti-Social Behaviour among Homeless People: Assumptions or Reality? (2014)
Book Chapter
Harding, J., & Irving, A. (2014). Anti-Social Behaviour among Homeless People: Assumptions or Reality?. In Anti-social Behaviour in Britain (155-165). Palgrave Macmillan UK.

Historically, the visible engagement of homeless people in activities considered to be ‘anti-social’, such as drunkenness and begging, have made them the target of government action on public disorder, engendering antipathy, as much as sympathy, from... Read More about Anti-Social Behaviour among Homeless People: Assumptions or Reality?.

A Combined Technique for Randomisation of a Small Number of Participants with a Variety of Covariates into Treatment and Control Groups in Randomised Controlled Trials (2014)
Journal Article
Naemi, R., Healy, A., Sundar, L., Ramachandran, A., & Chockalingam, N. (2014). A Combined Technique for Randomisation of a Small Number of Participants with a Variety of Covariates into Treatment and Control Groups in Randomised Controlled Trials. Journal of Clinical Trials, 4(1),

Background: Randomised controlled trials are widely favoured in research design as the most rigorous way of determining the effectiveness of a treatment. For assigning a small number of participants who are identified before the start of the randomis... Read More about A Combined Technique for Randomisation of a Small Number of Participants with a Variety of Covariates into Treatment and Control Groups in Randomised Controlled Trials.

The consistency of knee kinematic, kinetic, and ground reaction force variables collected during running and cutting manoeuvres (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Introduction: Abnormal biomechanics during sports activities
can lead to increased joint-reaction forces, an increased valgus
angle and increased load at the knee. The majority of studies that
assess lower-limb biomechanics commonly use 3D motion... Read More about The consistency of knee kinematic, kinetic, and ground reaction force variables collected during running and cutting manoeuvres.

Community resilience : is it greater than the sum of the parts of individual resilience? (2014)
Journal Article
Eachus, P. (2014). Community resilience : is it greater than the sum of the parts of individual resilience?. Procedia Economics and Finance, 18, 345-351.

Resilience is an interesting concept in that it can be applied in similar, but different, ways in a variety of contexts. In this paper I look at the different meanings for the concept with a particular focus on individual resilience examined from a p... Read More about Community resilience : is it greater than the sum of the parts of individual resilience?.

Manufacturing and finite element assessment of a novel pressure reducing insole for Diabetic Neuropathic patients (2014)
Journal Article
Ghassemi, A., Mossayebi, A., Jamshidi, N., Naemi, R., & Karimi, M. (2014). Manufacturing and finite element assessment of a novel pressure reducing insole for Diabetic Neuropathic patients. Australasian Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine, 38, 63–70.

Diabetes is one of the metabolic diseases. Uncontrolled diabetes can lead to diabetic foot ulcers and if it was not treated would lead to amputation. Foot ulcers can be prevented by using suitable insoles which are made of appropriate material and ge... Read More about Manufacturing and finite element assessment of a novel pressure reducing insole for Diabetic Neuropathic patients.

Age difference and face-saving in an inter-generational problem based learning group (2014)
Journal Article
Robinson, L. (2014). Age difference and face-saving in an inter-generational problem based learning group. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 40(4), 466-485.

This study used Grounded Theory methodology to investigate whether learning in a Problem Based Learning (PBL) group was influenced by student demographic diversity. Data comprised observations, in the form of video footage, of one first year PBL grou... Read More about Age difference and face-saving in an inter-generational problem based learning group.

Breast compression - an exploration of problem solving and decision making in mammography (2014)
Journal Article
Nightingale, J., Murphy, F., Robinson, L., Newton-Hughes, A., & Hogg, P. (2015). Breast compression - an exploration of problem solving and decision making in mammography. Radiography, 21(4), 364-369.

Objective: Breast compression decreases radiation dose and reduces potential for motion and geometric unsharpness, yet there is variability in applied compression force within and between some centres. This article explores the problem solving proces... Read More about Breast compression - an exploration of problem solving and decision making in mammography.

The effects of sport-specific and minimalist footwear on the kinetics and kinematics of three netball-specific movements (2014)
Journal Article
Sinclair, J., Chockalingam, N., Naemi, R., & Vincent, H. (2014). The effects of sport-specific and minimalist footwear on the kinetics and kinematics of three netball-specific movements. Footwear Science, 7(1), 31-36.

Netball is associated with a high frequency of chronic injuries. There is currently a trend towards the utilisation of minimalist footwear in netball players in lieu of traditional netball trainers. The aim of the current investigation was to examine... Read More about The effects of sport-specific and minimalist footwear on the kinetics and kinematics of three netball-specific movements.

An update of stabilisation exercises for low back pain: A systematic review with meta-analysis (2014)
Journal Article
Smith, B. E., Littlewood, C., & May, S. (2014). An update of stabilisation exercises for low back pain: A systematic review with meta-analysis. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 15, Article 416.

Background: Non-specific low back pain (NSLBP) is a large and costly problem. It has a lifetime prevalence of 80% and results in high levels of healthcare cost. It is a major cause for long term sickness amongst the workforce and is associated with h... Read More about An update of stabilisation exercises for low back pain: A systematic review with meta-analysis.

Cross-national comparison of youth justice approaches and youth custody (2014)
Presentation / Conference
Hazel, N. (2014, December). Cross-national comparison of youth justice approaches and youth custody. Presented at Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights Conference on Children Deprived of Liberty in Central and Eastern Europe, Budapest, Hungary

This paper explored the key differences in approaches between youth justice systems. It considered the pressures on jurisdictions that result in varying policies and practices. It argued that analysis of policies as either emphasising children as "y... Read More about Cross-national comparison of youth justice approaches and youth custody.

Young people's experiences of custody (2014)
Presentation / Conference
Hazel, N. (2014, December). Young people's experiences of custody. Presented at Helsinki Foundation Conference on Children Deprived of Liberty in Central and Eastern Europe, Budapest, Hungary

This presentation draws from a number of research projects over a 15 year period to synthesis what young people say about their experiences of custody. Particular attention is paid to qualitative research featuring what children say about their time... Read More about Young people's experiences of custody.

AP versus PA positioning in lumbar spine computed radiography : Image quality and individual organ doses (2014)
Journal Article
Davey, E., & England, A. (2015). AP versus PA positioning in lumbar spine computed radiography : Image quality and individual organ doses. Radiography, 21(2), 188 - 196.

Purpose: Radiological imaging examinations must be optimised in order to ensure that the radiation dose is kept as low as reasonably possible (ALARP). The aim of this study was to compare anteroposterior (AP) and posteroanterior (PA) projections of... Read More about AP versus PA positioning in lumbar spine computed radiography : Image quality and individual organ doses.

Resettlement: Lessons from the literature update November 2014 (2014)
Hazel, N., & Bateman, T. (2014). Resettlement: Lessons from the literature update November 2014

This review outlines the latest lessons from research, policy and practice in the resettlement of young offenders. It provides an overview of relevant literature and developments in the filed of youth justice since Beyond Youth Custody’s last update... Read More about Resettlement: Lessons from the literature update November 2014.