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All Outputs (102)

Comparison of adhesion of wound isolates of Staphylococcus aureus to immobilized proteins (2003)
Journal Article
Foster, H., & Elgalai, I. (2003). Comparison of adhesion of wound isolates of Staphylococcus aureus to immobilized proteins. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 94(3), 413-420.

Aims: To determine the ability of 149 clinical isolates of Staphylococcus aureus from burns, other wounds and environmental isolates to adhere to immobilized proteins. Methods and Results: The ability to bind to immobilized fibrinogen, fibronectin, l... Read More about Comparison of adhesion of wound isolates of Staphylococcus aureus to immobilized proteins.

Phase mixing of a three dimensional magnetohydrodynamic pulse (2003)
Journal Article
Tsiklauri, D., Nakariakov, V., & Rowlands, G. (2003). Phase mixing of a three dimensional magnetohydrodynamic pulse. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 400(3), 1051-1055.

Phase mixing of a three dimensional magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) pulse is studied in the compressive, three-dimensional (without an ignorable coordinate) regime. It is shown that the efficiency of decay of an Alfvénic part of a compressible MHD pulse is... Read More about Phase mixing of a three dimensional magnetohydrodynamic pulse.

An XML Metadata Approach to Seamless Project Information Exchange between Heterogeneous Platforms (2003)
Journal Article
Underwood, J., & Watson, A. (2003). An XML Metadata Approach to Seamless Project Information Exchange between Heterogeneous Platforms. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 10(2), 128-145.

A three year Esprit project - ProCure - is ultimately aiming to take a significant but achievable step forward in the application of available information and communication technology (ICT) to the large scale engineering (LSE) construction industry.... Read More about An XML Metadata Approach to Seamless Project Information Exchange between Heterogeneous Platforms.

Is structural change the primary solution to the problems of construction? (2003)
Journal Article
Koskela, L. (2003). Is structural change the primary solution to the problems of construction?. Building Research and Information, 31(2), 85-96.

What is the cause for the well-known problems of construction? What should be done to achieve a solution to these problems? A number of renewal initiatives, such as industrialization, open building, design/build, partnering, re-engineering and others... Read More about Is structural change the primary solution to the problems of construction?.

Performance predictions of mature experimental constructed wetlands, which treat urban water receiving high loads of lead and copper (2003)
Journal Article
Scholz, M. (2003). Performance predictions of mature experimental constructed wetlands, which treat urban water receiving high loads of lead and copper. Water Research, 37(6), 1270-1277.

The treatment efficiencies of vertical-flow wetland filters containing macrophytes and granular media of different adsorption capacities were investigated. Different concentrations of lead and copper sulphate were added to urban stream inflow water i... Read More about Performance predictions of mature experimental constructed wetlands, which treat urban water receiving high loads of lead and copper.

Spin valve magnetization reversal obtained by N-doping in Fe/insulator/Fe trilayers (2003)
Journal Article
Georgieva, M., Telling, N., Jones, G., Grundy, P., Hase, T., & Tanner, B. (2003). Spin valve magnetization reversal obtained by N-doping in Fe/insulator/Fe trilayers. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 15(4), 617-624.

The effect of N-doping on the microstructure and coercivity of the ‘free’ Fe
layer in Fe/insulator/Fe trilayers has been examined. Itwas found thatN-doping
leads to a magnetic softening of the Fe layer and a corresponding reduction in
the grain si... Read More about Spin valve magnetization reversal obtained by N-doping in Fe/insulator/Fe trilayers.

An in situ neutron time-of-flight diffraction study of LaMM(NoCoAlMn)5-x battery electrode materials and their deuterides, for x = 0 and x = 0.2 (2003)
Journal Article
Georgiev, P., Liu, J., Ross, D., Andersen, K., & Otto, A. (2003). An in situ neutron time-of-flight diffraction study of LaMM(NoCoAlMn)5-x battery electrode materials and their deuterides, for x = 0 and x = 0.2. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 349(1-2), 325-333.

The structural properties of two mechanically activated commercial LaNi5 type battery materials and their deuterides have been investigated by means of in situ neutron powder diffraction analysis. A discussion of the hysteresis between the absorption... Read More about An in situ neutron time-of-flight diffraction study of LaMM(NoCoAlMn)5-x battery electrode materials and their deuterides, for x = 0 and x = 0.2.

Investigation of multiphoton-induced fluorescence from solutions of 5-hydroxytryptophan (2003)
Journal Article
Bisby, R., Arvanitidis, M., Botchway, C., & Clark, I. (2003). Investigation of multiphoton-induced fluorescence from solutions of 5-hydroxytryptophan.

It is reported (Shear et al, Photochem.Photobiol. 65, 931 (1997) ) that multiphoton near infrared excitation of 5-hydroxytryptophan results in a transient product with green fluorescence. Visible fluorescence from multiphoton excitation enables detec... Read More about Investigation of multiphoton-induced fluorescence from solutions of 5-hydroxytryptophan.

Novel monoclonal antibody recognition of oxidative DNA damage adduct, deoxycytidine-glyoxal (2003)
Journal Article
Mistry, N., Podmore, I., Cooke, M., Butler, P., Griffiths, H., Herbert, K., & Lunec, J. (2003). Novel monoclonal antibody recognition of oxidative DNA damage adduct, deoxycytidine-glyoxal. Laboratory Investigation, 83(2), 241-250.

Glyoxal, a reactive aldehyde, is a decomposition product of lipid hydroperoxides, oxidative deoxyribose breakdown, or autoxidation of sugars, such as glucose. It readily forms DNA adducts, generating potential carcinogens such as glyoxalated deoxycyt... Read More about Novel monoclonal antibody recognition of oxidative DNA damage adduct, deoxycytidine-glyoxal.

Modulation of human swallowing behaviour by thermal and chemical stimulation in health and after brain injury (2003)
Journal Article
Hall, N., Hamdy, S., Jilani, S., Price, V., Parker, C., & Power, M. (2003). Modulation of human swallowing behaviour by thermal and chemical stimulation in health and after brain injury. Neurogastroenterology and Motility, 15(1), 69-77.

Few data support thermal or chemical stimulation as therapy for neurogenic dysphagia. Our aims were to explore the behavioural effects of thermal (cold) and chemical (citrus) modalities on water swallowing in healthy subjects (n=65; mean age, 45 year... Read More about Modulation of human swallowing behaviour by thermal and chemical stimulation in health and after brain injury.

Glutamine deprivation facilitates tumour necrosis factor induced bacterial translocation in Caco-2 cells by depletion of enterocyte fuel substrate (2003)
Journal Article
Clark, E., Patel, S., Chadwick, P., Warhurst, G., Curry, A., & Carlson, G. (2003). Glutamine deprivation facilitates tumour necrosis factor induced bacterial translocation in Caco-2 cells by depletion of enterocyte fuel substrate. Gut, 52(2), 224-230.

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Factors that induce luminal bacteria to cross the intestinal epithelium following injury remain poorly defined. The aim of this study was to investigate the interaction between glutamine metabolism, energy supply, and inflammator... Read More about Glutamine deprivation facilitates tumour necrosis factor induced bacterial translocation in Caco-2 cells by depletion of enterocyte fuel substrate.

A μSR study of the magnetic ground state of Ni3Al (2003)
Journal Article
Kilcoyne, S., & Cywinski, R. (2003). A μSR study of the magnetic ground state of Ni3Al. Physica B: Condensed Matter, 326(1-4), 577-580.

The magnetic ground state of a well-characterised and highly ordered Ni3Al sample has been studied by muon spin relaxation. Although it is widely accepted that Ni3Al is an archetypal homogeneous weak itinerant electron ferromagnet with a Curie temper... Read More about A μSR study of the magnetic ground state of Ni3Al.

A constraint manager to support virtual maintainability (2003)
Journal Article
Marcelino, L., Fernando, T., & Murray, N. (2003). A constraint manager to support virtual maintainability. Computers and Graphics, 27(1), 19-26.

Virtual prototyping tools have already captivated the industry's interest as viable design tool. One of the key challenges for the research community is to extend the capabilities of Virtual Reality technology beyond its current scope of ergonomics a... Read More about A constraint manager to support virtual maintainability.

CFD modelling of natural ventilation: combined wind and buoyancy forces (2003)
Journal Article
Cook, M., Ji, Y., & Hunt, G. (2003). CFD modelling of natural ventilation: combined wind and buoyancy forces. International Journal of Ventilation, 1(3), 169-180

Results of a CFD simulation of the wind-assisted stack ventilation of a single-storey enclosure with high and low-level ventilation openings are presented and compared with both the laboratory measurements and the analytical model of the flow and the... Read More about CFD modelling of natural ventilation: combined wind and buoyancy forces.

A note on the climbing abilities of giant anteaters, Myrmecophaga tridactyla (Xenarthra, Myrmecophagidae) (2003)
Journal Article
Young, R., Coelho, C., & Wieloch, D. (2003). A note on the climbing abilities of giant anteaters, Myrmecophaga tridactyla (Xenarthra, Myrmecophagidae). #Journal not on list, 15, 41-46

In this note we provide seven observations of climbing behaviour by giant anteaters. Five observations were recorded in the field: three of giant anteaters climbing on top of 1.5 to 2.0 metre high termite mounds, and two observations of giant anteate... Read More about A note on the climbing abilities of giant anteaters, Myrmecophaga tridactyla (Xenarthra, Myrmecophagidae).

Impact of oilseed rape expressing the insecticidal cysteine protease inhibitor oryzacystatin on the beneficial predator Harmonia axyridis (multicoloured Asian ladybeetle) (2003)
Journal Article
Ferry, N., Raemaekers, R., Majerus, M., Jouanin, L., Port, G., Gatehouse, J., & Gatehouse, A. (2003). Impact of oilseed rape expressing the insecticidal cysteine protease inhibitor oryzacystatin on the beneficial predator Harmonia axyridis (multicoloured Asian ladybeetle). Molecular Ecology, 12(2), 493-504.

Insect-resistant transgenic plants have been suggested to have deleterious effects on beneficial predators through transmission of the transgene product by the pest to the predator. To test this hypothesis, effects of oilseed rape expressing the cyst... Read More about Impact of oilseed rape expressing the insecticidal cysteine protease inhibitor oryzacystatin on the beneficial predator Harmonia axyridis (multicoloured Asian ladybeetle).

The efficacy of the model--rival method when compared with operant conditioning for training domestic dogs to perform a retrieval--selection task (2003)
Journal Article
McKinley, S., & Young, R. (2003). The efficacy of the model--rival method when compared with operant conditioning for training domestic dogs to perform a retrieval--selection task. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 81(4), 357-365.

Traditionally, dogs have been trained by operant conditioning techniques; that is, dogs make a desired behavioural response and this response is reinforced by a reward such as food. This type of training is very effective in training dogs to perform... Read More about The efficacy of the model--rival method when compared with operant conditioning for training domestic dogs to perform a retrieval--selection task.

Ab-initio density-functional lattice-dynamics studies of ice (2003)
Journal Article
Côté, A., Morrison, I., Cui, X., Jenkins, S., & Ross, D. (2003). Ab-initio density-functional lattice-dynamics studies of ice. Canadian Journal of Physics, 81(1-2), 115-122.

We present the results of first-principles computational studies of the dynamical properties of hexagonal ice using both the ab-initio pseudopotential method and the full-potential augmented plane-wave method. Properties obtained using both the gener... Read More about Ab-initio density-functional lattice-dynamics studies of ice.

Anisotropy and interface structure in sputtered Co/Pt multilayers on Si (2003)
Journal Article
Rozatian, A., Fulthorpe, B., Hase, T., Read, D., Ashcroft, G., Joyce, D., …Tanner, B. (2003). Anisotropy and interface structure in sputtered Co/Pt multilayers on Si. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 256(1-3), 365-372.

The inter-relation between magnetic and structural properties of a series of Co/Pt sputtered multilayer films of constant period but differing number of repeats has been investigated. Independent measurements of the perpendicular anisotropy using vib... Read More about Anisotropy and interface structure in sputtered Co/Pt multilayers on Si.