Reflections on the COVID-19 pandemic
(2022). K. Holmes, & P. Hogg (Eds.), Reflections on the COVID-19 pandemic. International Society of Radiographers and Radiological Technologists
All Outputs (5)
OPTIMAX 2018 - a focus on education in radiology (2019)
This year, OPTIMAX was warmly welcomed by
University College Dublin. For the sixth time
students and teachers from Europe, South Africa,
South America and Canada have come together
enthusiastically to do research in the Radiography
domain. As in... Read More about OPTIMAX 2018 - a focus on education in radiology.
OPTIMAX 2015 : multicultural team-based research in radiography, a holistic educational approach. (2015)
Following the successful OPTIMAX summer school
held in Salford, 2013 and Lisbon, 2014 we organized
OPTIMAX2015 summer school in Groningen. Fifty
three people participated, comprising PhD, MSc
and BSc students as well as tutors from the five
Euro... Read More about OPTIMAX 2015 : multicultural team-based research in radiography, a holistic educational approach..
This year OPTIMAX settled in Oslo. After the success
of previous years, we are proud to present the fourth
Ebook. As in previous years, the group was made
up of PhD-, MSc- and BSc students as well as
tutors from the seven European partner univers... Read More about OPTIMAX 2017 : radiation dose, image quality optimisation, the use of new technology in medical imaging.