Using photo-elicitation to understand experiences of work–life balance
Book Chapter
Cassell, C., Malik, F., & Radcliffe, L. (2016). Using photo-elicitation to understand experiences of work–life balance. In K. Townsend, R. Loudoun, & D. Lewin (Eds.), Handbook of Qualitative Research Methods on Human Resource Management, edited by Keith Townsend, Rebecca Loudoun and David Lewin 2016-09-26 | Book chapter (146-162). Edward Elgar.
All Outputs (8)
Internal mobility of the foreign-born in Turkey (2016)
Book Chapter
Migration scholarship is dominated by studies of international human mobility. The investigation of internal mobility of immigrants remains a low priority among students of migration (Ram and Shin 1999: 150). And while the theoretical divide between... Read More about Internal mobility of the foreign-born in Turkey.
Exclusionary abuses : refusal to license intellectual property rights (2016)
Book Chapter
Migration and insecurity: rethinking mobility in the neoliberal age (2016)
Book Chapter
This chapter considers some of the new lines of enquiry, arguing that a more in-depth integration of political economy would enhance their analyses of unequal power relations, inequalities and global connections and disconnections. It discusses brief... Read More about Migration and insecurity: rethinking mobility in the neoliberal age.
Investigating the drivers that determines brand loyalty: a study of the experience-commitment-loyalty construct (2016)
Book Chapter
Maheshwari, V., Lodorfos, G., & Jacobsen, S. (2016). Investigating the drivers that determines brand loyalty: a study of the experience-commitment-loyalty construct. In M. Obal, N. Krey, & C. Bushardt (Eds.), Let's Get Engaged! Crossing the Threshold of Marketing’s Engagement Era: Proceedings of the 2014 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference. Springer. marketing field first took an interest in brand loyalty on an academic level through Copeland’s work in 1923 (cited in Kabiraj and Shanmugan 2011, p. 288), with the understanding that brand loyalty existed only at the behavioural level. At this t... Read More about Investigating the drivers that determines brand loyalty: a study of the experience-commitment-loyalty construct.
The rise of the phoenix : methodological innovation as a discourse of renewal (2016)
Book Chapter
Wastell, D., McMaster, T., & Kawalek, P. (2016). The rise of the phoenix : methodological innovation as a discourse of renewal. In L. Willcocks, C. Sauer, & M. Lacity (Eds.), Enacting Research Methods in Information Systems (191-212). Palgrave Macmillan. 500 years (or 540, 1000, 1461, even 12,994, depending on the cultural context!), the legendary and beautifully plumaged Phoenix1 self-cremates in its nest of cinnamon twigs, rising again to embalm its predecessor in an egg of myrrh. Something o... Read More about The rise of the phoenix : methodological innovation as a discourse of renewal.
Social media (2016)
Book Chapter
Fenton, A., & Mohamad, M. (2016). Social media. In A. Heinze, & G. Fletcher (Eds.), Digital and social media marketing : a results-driven approach (190-213). RoutledgeIn this chapter you will:
1) understand the dynamics of social media-based communities, their composition and behaviours
2) learn to conduct a social media audit including competitor analysis
3) recognise the importance of a blog as a centre of... Read More about Social media.
Clinical management and professionalism (2016)
Book Chapter
Veronesi, G., Kuhlmann, E., Hartley, K., & Kirkpatrick, I. (2016). Clinical management and professionalism. In The Palgrave International Handbook of Healthcare Policy and Governance (325-340). Palgrave Macmillan.