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Heart of gold: Fact and mysticism in documentary form (2007)
Journal Article
Knudsen, E. (2007). Heart of gold: Fact and mysticism in documentary form. Journal of Media Practice, 8(1), 49-61.

This report seeks to summarise the process and outcomes of a practice based research project funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council and undertaken during the academic year 2005/2006. The primary outcome of the project is the film Heart of... Read More about Heart of gold: Fact and mysticism in documentary form.

Prevalence of toxin producing strains of Staphylococcus aureus in a pediatric burns unit (2007)
Journal Article
Khojasteh, V., Edwards-Jones, V., Childs, C., & Foster, H. (2007). Prevalence of toxin producing strains of Staphylococcus aureus in a pediatric burns unit. Burns, 33(3), 334-340.

The aims of the study were to determine the sites in a pediatric burns unit that were contaminated with Staphylococcus aureus. Samples from the environment in bedrooms and the common room were taken monthly for 6 months using blood agar for total cou... Read More about Prevalence of toxin producing strains of Staphylococcus aureus in a pediatric burns unit.

Percival, Vickers & Co. Ltd : the archaeology of a 19th-Century Manchester flint glass works (2007)
Journal Article
Miller, I. (2007). Percival, Vickers & Co. Ltd : the archaeology of a 19th-Century Manchester flint glass works. Industrial Archaeology Review, 29(1), 13-29.

The Percival, Vickers & Co. Ltd glass works was amongst the largest glass manufactories in Manchester, and formed one of a regionally significant group of 19th-century glass works in the Ancoats district of the city. All of these works have since bee... Read More about Percival, Vickers & Co. Ltd : the archaeology of a 19th-Century Manchester flint glass works.

Being a real nurse – concepts of caring and culture in the clinical areas (2007)
Journal Article
Ousey, K., & Johnson, M. (2007). Being a real nurse – concepts of caring and culture in the clinical areas. Nurse Education in Practice, 7(3), 150-155.

In this paper we discuss the issues of caring and culture in practice settings and how they affect student nurses in their endeavours to learn how to be a ‘real nurse’. Drawing upon differing conceptions of ‘caring’ we discuss the notion as a pivotal... Read More about Being a real nurse – concepts of caring and culture in the clinical areas.

The effect of visual stimuli on the horribleness of awful sounds. (2007)
Journal Article
Cox, T. (2007). The effect of visual stimuli on the horribleness of awful sounds. Applied Acoustics, 69(8), 691-703.

A mass web-based experiment has been carried out to explore people’s perception of horrible sounds. The advantage of a web-based methodology is that it enables hundreds of thousands of judgements to be obtained over a diverse population. As part of t... Read More about The effect of visual stimuli on the horribleness of awful sounds..

Antibody responses in human cystic hydatid disease to the laminated layer of echinococcus granulosus (2007)
Journal Article
to the laminated layer of echinococcus granulosus. Parasitology Research, 101(3), 647-652.

The laminated layer of hydatid cysts of Echinococcus granulosus represents a considerable amount of parasite material. Its antigenic role, however, is unclear. Extracts of laminated layer taken from sheep cysts were analysed in sodium dodecyl sulfate... Read More about Antibody responses in human cystic hydatid disease to the laminated layer of echinococcus granulosus.

On localised vibrations in incompressible pre-stressed transversely isotropic elastic solids (2007)
Journal Article
Prikazchikov, D., Rogerson, G., & Sandiford, K. (2007). On localised vibrations in incompressible pre-stressed transversely isotropic elastic solids. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 301(3-5), 701-717.

This paper is concerned with 2D localised vibration in incompressible pre-stressed fibre-reinforced elastic solids and the closely related problem of surface wave propagation in such materials. An appropriate constitutive model is derived and its sta... Read More about On localised vibrations in incompressible pre-stressed transversely isotropic elastic solids.

Composing a database of minority enterprises in Scotland: a discussion based on the concept of mixed embeddedness. (2007)
Journal Article
Dassler, T., Seaman, C., Bent, R., Lamb, L., & Mateer, N. (2007). Composing a database of minority enterprises in Scotland: a discussion based on the concept of mixed embeddedness. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, 13(2), 107-123.

Purpose – To address the issue of the low take-up of available ethnic business support the article proposes the composition of a database for Scotland, thereby providing baseline data on minority businesses and hence providing a sampling frame for fu... Read More about Composing a database of minority enterprises in Scotland: a discussion based on the concept of mixed embeddedness..

The rise of the phoenix : methodological innovation as a discourse of renewal (2007)
Journal Article
McMaster, T., Wastell, D., & Kawalek, P. (2007). The rise of the phoenix : methodological innovation as a discourse of renewal. Journal of Information Technology, 22(1), 59-68.

The imperatives on contemporary organizations to adapt to an increasingly uncertain and turbulent environment are intense. The pace of change is at least as great in the public as the private sector, with technology being integral to the UK governmen... Read More about The rise of the phoenix : methodological innovation as a discourse of renewal.

Critical and curious learning: new science, neoclassicism, and new criticism in the Long Restoration (2007)
Journal Article
Bergstrom, C. (2007). Critical and curious learning: new science, neoclassicism, and new criticism in the Long Restoration. Prose Studies, 29(1), 86-103.

During the Long Restoration a new type of literary criticism emerged out of an intellectual milieu in which both neoclassicism and the new science were becoming dominant discourses. Both were profoundly influential in this development because of thei... Read More about Critical and curious learning: new science, neoclassicism, and new criticism in the Long Restoration.

Excellence: a new keyword for education? (2007)
Journal Article
Allan, K. (2007). Excellence: a new keyword for education?. Critical Quarterly, 49(1), 54-78.

Excellence is a term that stands out in modern educational discourse, and one that has attracted ridicule from some education commentators. In his critical commentary on how the notion of a university has changed, Bill Readings claims that excellence... Read More about Excellence: a new keyword for education?.

The occurrence of the trematode Plagiorchis muris in the wood mouse Apodemus sylvaticus in North Yorkshire, UK. (2007)
Journal Article
MT, R., PS, C., G, H., S, H., A, P., & DM, S. (2007). The occurrence of the trematode Plagiorchis muris in the wood mouse Apodemus sylvaticus in North Yorkshire, UK. Journal of Helminthology, 81(1), 57 - 62.

Wood mice Apodemus sylvaticus were trapped each September over a 13-year period, from 1993 to 2005, in a wooded area adjacent to Malham Tarn, Yorkshire, UK. Plagiorchis muris was found to be the dominant intestinal trematode and occurred in every yea... Read More about The occurrence of the trematode Plagiorchis muris in the wood mouse Apodemus sylvaticus in North Yorkshire, UK..

Screening for Echinococcus granulosus in dogs: comparison between arecoline purgation, coproELISA and coproPCR with necropsy in pre-patent infection (2007)
Journal Article
Lahmar, S., Lahmar, S., Boufana, B., Bradshaw, H., & Craig, P. (2007). Screening for Echinococcus granulosus in dogs: comparison between arecoline purgation, coproELISA and coproPCR with necropsy in pre-patent infection. Veterinary Parasitology, 144(3-4), 287-292.

Echinococcus granulosus is an important zoonotic infection of dogs. The purpose of the present study assessed the performance of two laboratory diagnostic methods with arecoline purgation and necropsy in infected dogs. In total 65 dogs were successfu... Read More about Screening for Echinococcus granulosus in dogs: comparison between arecoline purgation, coproELISA and coproPCR with necropsy in pre-patent infection.

Peeling back the layers of learning : a classroom model for problem-based learning (2007)
Journal Article
McLoughlin, M., & Darvill, A. (2007). Peeling back the layers of learning : a classroom model for problem-based learning. Nurse Education Today, 27(4), 271-277.

This paper aims to provide an informative discussion with underpinning rationales about the use of a problem-based learning (PBL) classroom model, supported by a structured process for undertaking PBL. PBL was implemented as a main teaching and learn... Read More about Peeling back the layers of learning : a classroom model for problem-based learning.