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All Outputs (428)

Editorial: Turkey and migration - Editoryal: Göçve Türkiye (2012)
Journal Article
Sirkeci, I., & Erdogan, M. (2012). Editorial: Turkey and migration - Editoryal: Göçve Türkiye. Migration Letters, 9(4),

Turkey has always been involved in international migration. Despite the fact that mass labour migrations began in the middle of the last century made Turkey appear as a source country, economic development and global changes turned the country into a... Read More about Editorial: Turkey and migration - Editoryal: Göçve Türkiye.

Drivers’ lane utilization for UK motorways (2012)
Journal Article
Yousif, S., Al-Obaedi, J., & Henson, R. (2013). Drivers’ lane utilization for UK motorways. Journal of Transportation Engineering, 139(5), 441-447.

Lane utilization represents how the rate of traffic flow is distributed among the available number of lanes in a given section. This utilization or split is affected by several factors including traffic flow rates as well as the presence and amount o... Read More about Drivers’ lane utilization for UK motorways.

Optimization of parameters for the quantitative surface-enhanced raman scattering detection of mephedrone using a fractional factorial design and a portable raman spectrometer (2012)
Journal Article
Mabbott, S., Correa, E., Cowcher, D., Allwood, J., & Goodacre, R. (2013). Optimization of parameters for the quantitative surface-enhanced raman scattering detection of mephedrone using a fractional factorial design and a portable raman spectrometer. Analytical Chemistry, 85(2), 923-931.

A new optimization strategy for the SERS detection of mephedrone using a portable Raman system has been developed. A fractional factorial design was employed, and the number of statistically significant experiments (288) was greatly reduced from the... Read More about Optimization of parameters for the quantitative surface-enhanced raman scattering detection of mephedrone using a fractional factorial design and a portable raman spectrometer.

The optimal dartboard? (2012)
Journal Article
Percy, D. (2012). The optimal dartboard?. Mathematics today, 48, 268-270

Our challenge is to determine the best arrangement of the
numbers 1,2,...,20 on a dartboard. This problem has
been tackled before but we consider a new constraint and
a different optimality criterion that lead to an original solution.

Enhanced midwifery in the Salford 'new deal' community (2012)
Journal Article
Waterhouse, C., Lythgoe, J., & Wray, J. (2012). Enhanced midwifery in the Salford 'new deal' community. British Journal of Midwifery, 20(12), 878-882.

The ‘Enhanced Midwifery Service’ was a project to improve the health and wellbeing of pregnant women and new mothers beyond the ‘routine’ service within the ‘New Deal’ area of Salford. It started in 2008 and was funded for 2 years. It included the in... Read More about Enhanced midwifery in the Salford 'new deal' community.

Reshaping urban infrastructure: Material flow analysis and transitions analysis in an urban context (2012)
Journal Article
Hodson, M., Marvin, S., Robinson, B., & Swilling, M. (2012). Reshaping urban infrastructure: Material flow analysis and transitions analysis in an urban context. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 16(6), 789-800.

Urban policy makers and researchers consistently recognize the challenge of more effectively reshaping the linkages between cities, urban infrastructure, ecosystem services, and natural resources. The aim of this article is to consider the potential... Read More about Reshaping urban infrastructure: Material flow analysis and transitions analysis in an urban context.

Beneath and beyond the fragments: The charms of simmel’s philosophical path for contemporary subjectivities (2012)
Journal Article
Darmon, I., & Frade, C. (2012). Beneath and beyond the fragments: The charms of simmel’s philosophical path for contemporary subjectivities. Theory, Culture and Society, 29(7/8), 197-217.

Our purpose in this article is to explore the reasons for the continued attractiveness of Simmel's thought today and to probe the contemporary affinities to his philosophical stance towards the world. Simmel anchored the ‘philosophical attitude' in t... Read More about Beneath and beyond the fragments: The charms of simmel’s philosophical path for contemporary subjectivities.

Bigger is not always better! (2012)
Journal Article
Davies, S., & Rawlinson, H. (2012). Bigger is not always better!. AIMS journal, 24(4), 5-7

Sarah Davies and Heather Rawlinson discuss the experience of centralisation of maternity services in Greater Manchester

Accessibility of urban spaces for visually impaired pedestrians (2012)
Journal Article
Norgate, S. (2012). Accessibility of urban spaces for visually impaired pedestrians. Proceedings of the ICE - Municipal Engineer, 165(4), 231-237.

An ageing demographic together with the predicted increase in visual impairment of older people calls for a renewed
consideration of the accessibility and social inclusivity of urban spaces. This paper synthesises the evidence on this
topic and hig... Read More about Accessibility of urban spaces for visually impaired pedestrians.

Effect of an antipronation foot orthosis on ankle and subtalar kinematics (2012)
Journal Article
ankle and subtalar kinematics. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 44(12), 2384-2391.

Introduction/Purpose: The aim of this study was to describe the effect of an antipronation foot orthosis on motion of the heel relative to the leg and explore the individual contributions of the ankle and subtalar joints to this effect. Methods: Five... Read More about Effect of an antipronation foot orthosis on ankle and subtalar kinematics.

The development of high performance SnO2:F as TCOs for thin film silicon solar cells (2012)
Journal Article
Yates, H., Evans, P., Sheel, D., Nicolay, S., Ding, L., & Ballif, C. (2012). The development of high performance SnO2:F as TCOs for thin film silicon solar cells.

High performance transparent conducting oxides (TCOs) have significance for optimising photovoltaic (PV)
performance. The efficiency of the resulting solar cells is dependent particularly on achieving high light scattering,
low resistivity and low... Read More about The development of high performance SnO2:F as TCOs for thin film silicon solar cells.

Circulatory shock part 2 : Nursing management (2012)
Journal Article
Jones, I., & Rushton, M. (2012). Circulatory shock part 2 : Nursing management. British Journal of Cardiac Nursing, 7(12), 580-585.

In the second part of this series on circulatory shock, the authors provide a general overview of the acute nursing management of patients experiencing circulatory shock. The holistic dimension in the care of these patients is also considered.

Midwives and human rights (2012)
Journal Article
Kirkham, M., Davies, S., Edwards, N., & Murphy-Lawless, J. (2012). Midwives and human rights. MIDIRS midwifery digest, 22(4), 441-445

The woman has the right to make decisions about her care, in particular about where, how and with whom she
has her baby. Therefore the options she chooses must be available to her. As the midwife is the person who has
the professional duty to facil... Read More about Midwives and human rights.

The libido-maker’s apprentice : working the window’s proscenium (2012)
Journal Article
Matthews, A. (2012). The libido-maker’s apprentice : working the window’s proscenium. Performing Ethos, 3(2), 121-137.

This article proposes that by focusing on the professional complications of working in one-to-one encounters outside of the nominally aesthetic realm, performance-makers and researchers might discover ways of either mimicking or rupturing the form’s... Read More about The libido-maker’s apprentice : working the window’s proscenium.

An context-aware management and control mechanism in a mobile ad-hoc environment (2012)
Journal Article
Liu, Q., Linge, N., Wang, J., Ji, S., & Ma, T. (2012). An context-aware management and control mechanism in a mobile ad-hoc environment. International journal of grid and distributed computing (Print. 2008), 5(4), 21-32

Complete integration and interaction of network objects can be achieved in a mobile adhoc environment. Yet, the dynamic nature of free movement and interaction among these objects also brings challenges on information representation, processing and c... Read More about An context-aware management and control mechanism in a mobile ad-hoc environment.

Late talking toddlers : relating early phonological development to later language advance (2012)
Journal Article
Vihman, M., Keren-Portnoy, T., Whitaker, C., Bidgood, A., & McGillion, M. (2012). Late talking toddlers : relating early phonological development to later language advance

Background. Expressive Late talkers are identified as children with an unusually small productive vocabulary for their age, in the absence of any other known neurological, sensory or cognitive deficit. Their lexical delay has been found to be associa... Read More about Late talking toddlers : relating early phonological development to later language advance.

Total meniscectomy in adolescents : a forty year follow-up (2012)
Journal Article
Pengas, I., Assiotis, A., Nash, W., Hatcher, J., Banks, J., & McNicholas, M. (2012). Total meniscectomy in adolescents : a forty year follow-up. Bone and Joint Journal, 94-B(12), 1649-1654.

We continued a prospective longitudinal follow-up study of 53 remaining patients who underwent open total meniscectomy as adolescents and who at that time had no other intra-articular pathology of the knee. Their clinical, radiological and patient-re... Read More about Total meniscectomy in adolescents : a forty year follow-up.

Protecting children or creating vulnerability? (2012)
Journal Article
Hewitt-Taylor, J., & Heaslip, V. (2012). Protecting children or creating vulnerability?. Community practitioner, 85(12), 31-33

Children are, rightly, viewed as vulnerable and in need of safeguarding. However, protecting children from harm should not eclipse their need to learn about managing risky situations and those in which they are vulnerable. How adults view risk and vu... Read More about Protecting children or creating vulnerability?.