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Crude oil risk forecasting : new evidence from multiscale analysis approach (2018)
Journal Article
He, K., Tso, G., Zou, Y., & Liu, J. (2018). Crude oil risk forecasting : new evidence from multiscale analysis approach. Energy Economics, 76, 574-583.

Fluctuations in the crude oil price allied to risk have increased significantly over the last decade frequently varying at different risk levels. Although existing models partially predict such variations, so far, they have been unable to predict oil... Read More about Crude oil risk forecasting : new evidence from multiscale analysis approach.

Is hub-based pricing a better choice than oil indexation for natural gas? Evidence from a multiple bubble test (2018)
Journal Article
Zhang, D., Wang, T., Shi, X., & Liu, J. (2018). Is hub-based pricing a better choice than oil indexation for natural gas? Evidence from a multiple bubble test. Energy Economics, 76, 495-503.

Oil indexation and hub-based pricing are two competing pricing mechanisms in the international natural gas markets. The debates over whether hub-based pricing is preferable to oil indexation have become intense among academics and practitioners, for... Read More about Is hub-based pricing a better choice than oil indexation for natural gas? Evidence from a multiple bubble test.

Explaining the mutual relationship between board gender diversity and corporate social responsibility using the simultaneous equations system (2018)
Journal Article
Kazempour, M., Kashanipour, M., Yazdifar, H., & Hamidizadeh, A. (2018). Explaining the mutual relationship between board gender diversity and corporate social responsibility using the simultaneous equations system. International journal of finance and managerial accounting, 3(11), 1-10

One of the issues that have gained a lot of attention in recent years is the board gender diversity. Many researchers believe that gender diversity in the board reinforces corporate social responsibility and on the other hand, gender diversity is one... Read More about Explaining the mutual relationship between board gender diversity and corporate social responsibility using the simultaneous equations system.

The perceived psychological responsibilities of a strength and conditioning coach (2018)
Journal Article
Radcliffe, J., Comfort, P., & Fawcett, T. (2018). The perceived psychological responsibilities of a strength and conditioning coach. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 32(10), 2853-2862.

Research is limited in exploring the specific psychology-oriented responsibilities of the strength and conditioning professional. The present research explored the psychological responsibilities adopted by accredited strength and conditioning coaches... Read More about The perceived psychological responsibilities of a strength and conditioning coach.

Diaspora marketing revisited: the nexus of entrepreneurs and consumers (2018)
Journal Article
Sirkeci, I., & Zeren, F. (2018). Diaspora marketing revisited: the nexus of entrepreneurs and consumers. Transnational Marketing Journal, 6(2), 139-157.

In this article, we discuss the role of diaspora as a business network and an opportunity window for foreign market entry according to the concept of diaspora market entry or transnational market entry mode. As sources of information on both home and... Read More about Diaspora marketing revisited: the nexus of entrepreneurs and consumers.

The impact of remittances on food security status in the global south (2018)
Journal Article
Ebadi, N., Ahmadi, D., Sirkeci, I., & Melgar-Quinonez, H. (2018). The impact of remittances on food security status in the global south. Remittances Review, 3(2), 135-150.

International remittances to developing countries attract increasing attention because of their rise in volume and their impact on the recipient countries. Receiving remittances from outside the country has become a household coping strategy that mig... Read More about The impact of remittances on food security status in the global south.

Trial type mixing substantially reduces the response set effect in the Stroop task (2018)
Journal Article
Hasshim, N., & Parris, B. A. (2018). Trial type mixing substantially reduces the response set effect in the Stroop task. Acta psychologica, 189, 43--53.

The response set effect refers to the finding that an irrelevant incongruent colour-word produces greater interference when it is one of the response options (referred to as a response set trial), compared to when it is not (a non-response set trial)... Read More about Trial type mixing substantially reduces the response set effect in the Stroop task.

Towards a fossil free energy production using GIS multi-criteria decision-making support tool (2018)
Journal Article
El-Sayed, M., Dabaieh, M., Ismaeel, W., & Kenawy, I. (2018). Towards a fossil free energy production using GIS multi-criteria decision-making support tool

Egypt’s Sustainable Development Strategy: Vision 2030 calls for renewable energy plans and the adoption of a sustainable development approach. Given the government’s gradual removal of energy subsidies for local citizens and the current energy crises... Read More about Towards a fossil free energy production using GIS multi-criteria decision-making support tool.

Conversational competence as 'construalistic' activity (2018)
Journal Article
Philburn, R. (2018). Conversational competence as 'construalistic' activity. Journal of International Scientific Publications : Language, Individual & Society (Online), 12, 1-8

This paper builds on the previously advanced notion of the 'conversational construal', that is, the degree to which persons overlap with or differentiate from each other based on their conversational contributions. Specifically, the paper explores th... Read More about Conversational competence as 'construalistic' activity.

Menstrual cycle in four New World primates: Poeppig's woolly monkey (Lagothrix poeppigii), red uakari (Cacajao calvus), large-headed capuchin (Sapajus macrocephalus) and nocturnal monkey (Aotus nancymaae) (2018)
Journal Article
Mayor, P., Pereria, W., Nacher, V., Navarro, M., Monteiro, F., Rocha El Bizri, H., & Carretero, A. (2018). Menstrual cycle in four New World primates: Poeppig's woolly monkey (Lagothrix poeppigii), red uakari (Cacajao calvus), large-headed capuchin (Sapajus macrocephalus) and nocturnal monkey (Aotus nancymaae). Theriogenology, 123, 11-21.

Genital organs from 33 nocturnal monkeys Aotus namcymaae, 29 Poeppig's woolly monkeys (Lagothrix poeppigii), 21 red uakaris (Cacajao calvus) and 11 large-headed capuchins (Sapajus macrocephalus) were histologically analyzed in order to describe the e... Read More about Menstrual cycle in four New World primates: Poeppig's woolly monkey (Lagothrix poeppigii), red uakari (Cacajao calvus), large-headed capuchin (Sapajus macrocephalus) and nocturnal monkey (Aotus nancymaae).

Effects of viscous dissipation on miscible thermo-viscous fingering instability in porous media (2018)
Journal Article
Norouzi, M., Dorrani, S., Shokri, H., & Beg, O. (2018). Effects of viscous dissipation on miscible thermo-viscous fingering instability in porous media. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 129, 212-223.

The thermo-viscous fingering instability associated with miscible displacement through a porous medium is studied numerically, motivated by applications in upstream oil industries especially enhanced oil recovery (EOR) via wells using hot water flood... Read More about Effects of viscous dissipation on miscible thermo-viscous fingering instability in porous media.

A mitochondrial based oncology platform for targeting cancer stem cells (CSCs) : MITO-ONC-RX (2018)
Journal Article
Sotgia, F., Ozsvari, B., Fiorillo, M., De Francesco, E., Bonuccelli, G., & Lisanti, M. (2018). A mitochondrial based oncology platform for targeting cancer stem cells (CSCs) : MITO-ONC-RX. Cell Cycle, 17(17), 2091-2100.

Here, we wish to propose a new systematic approach to cancer therapy, based on the targeting of mitochondrial metabolism, especially in cancer stem cells (CSCs). In the future, we envision that anti-mitochondrial therapy would ultimately be practiced... Read More about A mitochondrial based oncology platform for targeting cancer stem cells (CSCs) : MITO-ONC-RX.

How much do conditional cash transfers increase the utilization of maternal and child health care services? New evidence from Janani Suraksha Yojana in India (2018)
Journal Article
Rahman, M., & Palliakdavath, S. (2018). How much do conditional cash transfers increase the utilization of maternal and child health care services? New evidence from Janani Suraksha Yojana in India. Economics and Human Biology, 31, 164-183.

Janani Suraksha Yojana (safe motherhood scheme, or JSY) provides cash incentives to marginal pregnant women in India conditional on having mainly institutional delivery. Using the fourth round of district level household survey (DLHS-4), we have esti... Read More about How much do conditional cash transfers increase the utilization of maternal and child health care services? New evidence from Janani Suraksha Yojana in India.

A novel method for comparing radiation dose and image quality, between and within different X-ray units in a series of hospitals (2018)
Journal Article

Objectives: To develop a novel method for comparing radiation dose and image quality (IQ) to evaluate adult chest X-ray (CXR) imaging among several hospitals.
Methods: CDRAD 2.0 phantom was used to acquire images in eight hospitals (17 digital X-r... Read More about A novel method for comparing radiation dose and image quality, between and within different X-ray units in a series of hospitals.

Disrupting folate metabolism reduces the capacity of bacteria in exponential growth to develop persisters to antibiotics (2018)
Journal Article

Bacteria can survive high doses of antibiotics through stochastic phenotypic diversification. We present initial evidence that folate metabolism could be involved with the formation of persisters. The aberrant expression of the folate enzyme gene fau... Read More about Disrupting folate metabolism reduces the capacity of bacteria in exponential growth to develop persisters to antibiotics.

Liberalism, lack and living the dream : re-considering youth, consumer sovereignty and the attractions of night-time leisure in Magaluf (2018)
Journal Article
Ellis, A., Briggs, D., Winlow, S., Silva Esquinas, A., Cordero Verdugo, R., & Ramiro Perez Suarez, J. (2018). Liberalism, lack and living the dream : re-considering youth, consumer sovereignty and the attractions of night-time leisure in Magaluf. Journal of Extreme Anthropology, 2(2), 1-19.

Much of the academic literature on alcohol-based leisure focuses on the pleasures of hedonism and youthful cultural exploration in environments free from the prescriptions, pressures and routines of everyday life. In this article – in which we presen... Read More about Liberalism, lack and living the dream : re-considering youth, consumer sovereignty and the attractions of night-time leisure in Magaluf.