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All Outputs (45)

Collaboration in a virtual world : support for conceptual learning? (1998)
Journal Article
Brna, P., & Aspin, R. (1998). Collaboration in a virtual world : support for conceptual learning?. Education and Information Technologies, 3(3/4), 247-259.

Immersive and semi‐immersive Virtual Reality (VR) systems have been used for training in the execution of procedures, in exploring (often static) 3D structures such as architectural designs or geographical features, and in designing buildings or cons... Read More about Collaboration in a virtual world : support for conceptual learning?.

Environmental enrichment for Australian mammals (1998)
Journal Article
Murray, A., Waran, N., & Young, R. (1998). Environmental enrichment for Australian mammals. Animal Welfare Journal, 7(4), 415-425.

Many of Australia's nocturnal mammals are rare or endangered in the wild. The behavioural integrity of captive populations of endangered species can be maintained through the application of environmental enrichment techniques. This study investigated... Read More about Environmental enrichment for Australian mammals.

Africa connected (1998)
Journal Article

This paper explores an apparent paradox and what this implies in Africa. What are the politics of digital technology when, on the one hand, it is used to mark exclusive status and, on the other hand, is argued to be a democratizing form of mass commu... Read More about Africa connected.

Reliability and validity of the Mini PAS-ADD for assessing psychiatric disorder in adults with intellectual disability (1998)
Journal Article
Prosser, H., Moss, S., Costello, H., Simpson, N., Patel, P., & Rowe, S. (1998). Reliability and validity of the Mini PAS-ADD for assessing psychiatric disorder in adults with intellectual disability.

The Mini PAS-ADD is an assessment schedule for psychiatric disorders in people with an intellectual disability. It is designed to provide a link between the mental health expertise of psychiatrists and psychologists, and the detailed knowledge of ind... Read More about Reliability and validity of the Mini PAS-ADD for assessing psychiatric disorder in adults with intellectual disability.

Quality managers, authority and leadership (1998)
Journal Article
McCabe, S., Rooke, J., Seymour, D., & Brown, P. (1998). Quality managers, authority and leadership. Construction Management and Economics, 16(4), 447-457.

This paper reports a research finding that some Quality Managers in the construction industry are
attempting to institute Total Quality (TQ) Management. Having established Quality Assurance
(QA) systems, these managers have realised that the benefi... Read More about Quality managers, authority and leadership.

The effect of a hinged ankle-foot orthosis on hemiplegic gait: Four single case studies (1998)
Journal Article
Tyson, S., Thornton, H., & Downes, A. (1998). The effect of a hinged ankle-foot orthosis on hemiplegic gait: Four single case studies. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 14(2), 75-85.

This study used a single-case design to assess the effect of a hinged ankle-foot orthosis (AFO) on four hemiplegic subjects, and elicited their views of the AFO. The gait parameters measured were: velocity, stride length, step length and symmetry usi... Read More about The effect of a hinged ankle-foot orthosis on hemiplegic gait: Four single case studies.

Knowledge discovery in databases: application to chromatography (1998)
Journal Article
Bryant, C., & Rowe, R. (1998). Knowledge discovery in databases: application to chromatography. Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 17(1), 18-24.

This paper reviews emerging computer techniques for discovering knowledge from databases and their application to various sets of separation data. The data-sets include the separation of a diverse range of analytes using either liquid, gas or ion chr... Read More about Knowledge discovery in databases: application to chromatography.

Using inductive logic programming to discover knowledge hidden in chemical data (1998)
Journal Article
Bryant, C., Adam, A., Taylor, D., & Rowe, R. (1998). Using inductive logic programming to discover knowledge hidden in chemical data. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 36(2), 111-123.

This paper demonstrates how general purpose tools from the field of Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) can be applied to analytical chemistry. As far as these authors are aware, this is the first published work to describe the application of the ILP t... Read More about Using inductive logic programming to discover knowledge hidden in chemical data.

Control of bio-regenerated granular activated carbon by spreadsheet modelling (1998)
Journal Article
Scholz, M., & Martin, R. (1998). Control of bio-regenerated granular activated carbon by spreadsheet modelling. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 71(3), 253-261.

The optimisation of water purification with biological activated carbon (BAC) is described. Procedures are suggested to control biofilm growth and to use bio-indicators to predict TOC (total organic carbon) and COD (chemical oxygen demand) removal ef... Read More about Control of bio-regenerated granular activated carbon by spreadsheet modelling.

Changing dynamics of the migratory regime between Turkey and Arab countries (1998)
Journal Article
Sirkeci, I. (1998). Changing dynamics of the migratory regime between Turkey and Arab countries. Nüfusbilim dergisi, 20, 3-16

"This essay discusses trends and patterns in migration from Turkey to Arab countries since the late 1960s. It relates this migratory movement to the wider context of Turkish emigration. By examining the ongoing migration ties between Turkey and the r... Read More about Changing dynamics of the migratory regime between Turkey and Arab countries.

Behavioural studies of guenons Cercopithecus spp at Edinburgh Zoo (1998)
Journal Article
Young, R. (1998). Behavioural studies of guenons Cercopithecus spp at Edinburgh Zoo. International Zoo Yearbook, 36(1), 49-56.

Several species of guenon Cercopithecus are threatened in the wild and European Endangered Species Programmes (EEPs) have been established for the Diana monkey Cercopithecus diana diana, Roloway monkey Cercopithecus diana roloway, L'Hoest's monkey Ce... Read More about Behavioural studies of guenons Cercopithecus spp at Edinburgh Zoo.

Graded call variation in male Asian cricket frogs (Rana nicobariensis) (1998)
Journal Article
Jehle, R., & Arak, A. (1998). Graded call variation in male Asian cricket frogs (Rana nicobariensis). Bioacoustics, 9, 35-48

We describe the vocal repertoire of the Asian cricket frog Rana nicobariensis for the first time. Three structurally-distinct call types exist: advertisement calls, aggressive calls and encounter calls. Compound calls consisting of both advertisement... Read More about Graded call variation in male Asian cricket frogs (Rana nicobariensis).

Rare hybridization and introgression in smooth and palmate newts (Salamandridae: Triturus vulgaris and T. helveticus) (1998)
Journal Article
Triturus vulgaris and T. helveticus). Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research, 36, 111-122

This paper describes the occurrence of hybridization and introgression in two species of amphibians (the newts Trifurus helrelicus and Trirurus
culgaris) in mid-Wales, northern France and western France. A single aberrant adult male with intermediat... Read More about Rare hybridization and introgression in smooth and palmate newts (Salamandridae: Triturus vulgaris and T. helveticus).

Pits versus patterns: effects of transponders on recapture rate and body condition of Danube crested newts (Triturus Dobrogicus) and common spadefoot toads (Pelobates Fuscus) (1998)
Journal Article
Dobrogicus) and common spadefoot toads (Pelobates Fuscus). Herpetological journal, 8, 181-186

During a long-terrn study (1987-1996) near Vienna (Austria), individual Danube crested
newts (Trititrus dobrogicus) and cornmon spadefoot toads (Pelobates fuscus) were registered by
photographs of highly variable Skin patterns, and the implantation... Read More about Pits versus patterns: effects of transponders on recapture rate and body condition of Danube crested newts (Triturus Dobrogicus) and common spadefoot toads (Pelobates Fuscus).