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Institutional frameworks and radical innovation: an analysis of high- and medium-high-technology industries in Germany (2011)
Journal Article

Radical innovation is increasingly becoming the focus of attention of
both policy makers and senior corporate managers. However, debates within the varieties of capitalism literature on the ease with which radical innovation can be achieved within... Read More about Institutional frameworks and radical innovation: an analysis of high- and medium-high-technology industries in Germany.

Feeding and social behavior of the piabanha, Brycon devillei (Castelnau, 1855)(Characidae: Bryconinae) in the wild, with a note on following behavior (2011)
Journal Article
Azevedo, P., Melo, R., & Young, R. (2011). Feeding and social behavior of the piabanha, Brycon devillei (Castelnau, 1855)(Characidae: Bryconinae) in the wild, with a note on following behavior. #Journal not on list, 9(4),

Knowledge concerning the behavior of wild freshwater fishes in Brazil is restricted to a few studies, despite such studies being able to answer fundamental questions about conservation. Species of Brycon are amongst the most threatened in the Neotrop... Read More about Feeding and social behavior of the piabanha, Brycon devillei (Castelnau, 1855)(Characidae: Bryconinae) in the wild, with a note on following behavior.

The readout thickness versus the measured thickness for a range of screen film mammography (SFM) and full-field digital mammography (FFDM) units (2011)
Journal Article
Hauge, I., Hogg, P., Szczepura, K., Connolly, P., McGill, G., & Mercer, C. (2011). The readout thickness versus the measured thickness for a range of screen film mammography (SFM) and full-field digital mammography (FFDM) units. Medical Physics, 39(1), 263-271.

PURPOSE: To establish a simple method to determine breast readout accuracy on mammography units. METHODS: A thickness measuring device (TMD) was used in conjunction with a breast phantom. This phantom had compression characteristics similar to human... Read More about The readout thickness versus the measured thickness for a range of screen film mammography (SFM) and full-field digital mammography (FFDM) units.

YouTube as a repository : the creative practice of students as producers of Open Educational Resources (2011)
Journal Article

In this paper we present an alternative view of Open Educational Resources (OERs). Rather than focusing on open media resources produced by expert practitioners for use by peers and learners, we examine the practice of learners as active agents, prod... Read More about YouTube as a repository : the creative practice of students as producers of Open Educational Resources.

Comparison of modes of feedback on glide performance in swimming (2011)
Journal Article
L. Thow, J., Naemi, R., & H. Sanders, R. (2012). Comparison of modes of feedback on glide performance in swimming. Journal of sports sciences, 30(1), 43-52.

2008). This study compared the effect of feedback on glide performance from GlideCoach with video and verbal feedback. Nineteen elite swimmers were randomly assigned to one of three groups: Group 1 and 2 included six swimmers and Group 3 included sev... Read More about Comparison of modes of feedback on glide performance in swimming.

Brachial artery modifications to blood flow-restricted handgrip training and detraining (2011)
Journal Article
Hunt, J., Walton, L., & Ferguson, R. (2011). Brachial artery modifications to blood flow-restricted handgrip training and detraining. Journal of Applied Physiology, 112(6), 956-961.

Low load resistance training with blood flow restriction (BFR) can increase muscle size and strength, but the implications on the conduit artery are uncertain. We examined the effects of low-load dynamic handgrip training with and without BFR, and de... Read More about Brachial artery modifications to blood flow-restricted handgrip training and detraining.

Molecular basis of early epithelial response to streptococcal exotoxin: role of STIM1 and Orai1 proteins: Streptolysin O activates SOC entry (2011)
Journal Article

Streptolysin O (SLO) is a cholesterol-dependent cytolysin (CDC) from Streptococcus pyogenes. SLO induces diverse types of Ca2+ signalling in host cells which play a key role in membrane repair and cell fate determination. The mechanisms behind SLO-in... Read More about Molecular basis of early epithelial response to streptococcal exotoxin: role of STIM1 and Orai1 proteins: Streptolysin O activates SOC entry.

Neuronal differentiation by TAp73 is mediated by microRNA-34a regulation of synaptic protein targets (2011)
Journal Article
Agostini, M., Tucci, P., Killick, R., Candi, E., & Sayan, B. (2011). Neuronal differentiation by TAp73 is mediated by microRNA-34a regulation of synaptic protein targets. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 108(52),

The p53-family member TAp73 is a transcription factor that plays a key role in many biological processes. Here, we show that p73 drives the expression of microRNA (miR)-34a, but not miR-34b and -c, by acting on specific binding sites on the miR-34a p... Read More about Neuronal differentiation by TAp73 is mediated by microRNA-34a regulation of synaptic protein targets.

'The placement was probably the tipping point' - The narratives of recently discontinued students (2011)
Journal Article
Hamshire, C., Willgoss, T. G., & Wibberley, C. (2012). 'The placement was probably the tipping point' - The narratives of recently discontinued students. Nurse Education in Practice, 12(4), 182-186.

Much has been written on student attrition from healthcare programmes and we know that it is often multifactorial. However in order to reduce attrition we need to gain a greater understanding of how multiple factors impact upon and compound one anoth... Read More about 'The placement was probably the tipping point' - The narratives of recently discontinued students.

Social networking and transnational capitalism (2011)
Journal Article
Kreps, D. (2011). Social networking and transnational capitalism. tripleC: Communication, Capitalism and Critique, 9(2), 689-701

Social Networking Sites (SNS) have become a key component of users’ experience of the internet. Whilst much has been made of the social dynamics of online SNS, the influence of the structures and operations of these sites – and the business models be... Read More about Social networking and transnational capitalism.

Political radicalism, policy expectation, and electoral competition in France : a means to the end? (2011)
Journal Article
Evans, J. (2011). Political radicalism, policy expectation, and electoral competition in France : a means to the end?. French Politics, Culture and Society, 29(3), 12-28.

Political parties use policy radicalism as a means of attaining electoral success. Differentiation from other parties and ideological renewal after a period of incumbency or prolonged opposition are valid reasons for policy innovation, but excessive... Read More about Political radicalism, policy expectation, and electoral competition in France : a means to the end?.

Kinetic comparisons during variations of the power clean (2011)
Journal Article
Comfort, P., Allen, M., & Graham-Smith, P. (2011). Kinetic comparisons during variations of the power clean. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 25(12), 3269-3274.

The aim of this investigation was to
determine the differences in peak power, peak vertical ground
reaction forces, and rate of force development (RFD) during
variations of the power clean. Elite rugby league players (n =
16; age 22 6 1.58 years;... Read More about Kinetic comparisons during variations of the power clean.

European security governance after the Lisbon Treaty: Neighbours and new actors in a changing security environment (2011)
Journal Article
Neighbours and new actors in a changing security environment. Perspectives on European Politics and Society, 12(4), 361-370.

The EU has been making strong inroads into the realm of security over the last few years. This is a remarkable development since security matters used to be the preserve of states. The EU has generally been considered a rather weak security actor. Ho... Read More about European security governance after the Lisbon Treaty: Neighbours and new actors in a changing security environment.

Knowledge and technology transfer from universities to industries: a case study approach from the built environment field (2011)
Journal Article
Arayici, Y., Coates, S., Koskela, L., & Kagioglou, M. (2011). Knowledge and technology transfer from universities to industries: a case study approach from the built environment field. Journal of Higher Education, 1(2), 103-110.

Enabling knowledge societies and knowledge based economies is a key policy in the UK. Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) scheme initiated by the Technology Strategy Board is a pathway for collaboration and partnerships between higher education inst... Read More about Knowledge and technology transfer from universities to industries: a case study approach from the built environment field.

The limerick lullaby project: an intervention to relieve prenatal stress.(Research Unwrapped) (2011)
Journal Article
Wray, J. (2011). The limerick lullaby project: an intervention to relieve prenatal stress.(Research Unwrapped)

With the festive period looming I felt that the topic of this paper ‘singing lullabies’ resonated with the custom of singing at Christmas time but more than that the joy and peace of singing regardless of the festivity is far reaching. I am not a sin... Read More about The limerick lullaby project: an intervention to relieve prenatal stress.(Research Unwrapped).